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Hide archived iterations and phases in Planned For widget

Pravesh Patel (37622615) | asked Jan 24 '08, 11:48 a.m.
The "Planned For" drop-down on the Work Item shows archived iterations and phases. How do I prevent this widget from showing archived iterations and phases. I don't want to manually manipulate the database unless I know it's not going to cause corruption.

Currently this is really confusing to users as it shows about 20 items but only 4 are valid (not archived).

2 answers

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Pravesh Patel (37622615) | answered Jan 24 '08, 4:20 p.m.
The above behavior (showing archived interations and plans) is only in the WebUI. The RTC properly shows only active interations and plans. I assume this is a WebUI bug.

Can anyone confirm?

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Pravesh Patel (37622615) | answered Jan 24 '08, 8:03 p.m.
Found the work item for this:

Waiting patiently.

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