Precondition plugin to check if there are any approvals on the WI on transition to a target state.
I am developing a precondition server side plugin and the requirement is to check if there are any approvals of type "Review" on the WI on transition to a target state. But my code is returning an empty list of approvals even though there are approvals on the workitem. Below is my code:
IWorkItem workingCopy = (IWorkItem) workItemServer.getAuditableCommon()
.resolveAuditable(target, IWorkItem.FULL_PROFILE, monitor)
IApprovals approvals = workingCopy.getApprovals();
String reviewType="";
List<IApproval> approvalsList = approvals.getContents();
for(IApproval approval :approvalsList){
IApprovalDescriptor appDesc = approval.getDescriptor();
String approvalTypeNew = appDesc.getTypeIdentifier();
return true;
Can someone let me know how do I get the approvals if I am doing it wrong.
Accepted answer
I don't know what that unformatted mess of code does. In general what you would do is
Get the approvals.
IApprovals wiApprovals = newState.getApprovals(); List<iapprovaldescriptor> descriptors = wiApprovals.getDescriptors(); if (descriptors.isEmpty()) { return; // Nothing to do }</iapprovaldescriptor>
Check if the Approval Type is of interest
for (IApprovalDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) { String approvalType = descriptor.getTypeIdentifier(); if (WorkItemApprovals.REVIEW_TYPE.getIdentifier().equals(approvalType)) {
Check the state
// If there is a review check for cumulative state approved if (reviewDescriptor != null) { // There is an approval and there is a review if (WorkItemApprovals.APPROVED_STATE.getIdentifier() .equals(reviewDescriptor.getCumulativeStateIdentifier())) { // Review is approved, nothing to check return; }
There are examples for the API involved on . Use the search field in the top right. I can't access my blog at the moment.