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Is there an API that allows the user to take a snapshot for a plan in ELM RTC?

Amer Al (131) | asked Aug 03 '22, 1:12 p.m.


I am trying to find an API for RTC that allows me to take a snapshot for plans by accessing that API. I have more than one plan to manage and I wanted to take a snapshot for them every few days and I was wondering if there is an API in RTC that can help automate the process using some script.

Thank you.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 04 '22, 2:11 a.m.

 No, for all I know the planning component (apt) does not provide any public APIs for this. I have looked into this in the past but there was no way to do it using a public API. 

There are some remnants of the Plan API from when planning was supported in the Eclipse client in the plain Java Client Libraries, but most is internal and plan snapshots did not exist back then.

Amer Al selected this answer as the correct answer

Amer Al commented Aug 06 '22, 4:16 p.m.

I see, Thank you.

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