[closed] How to manage attributes artifact creation?
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by rschoon Sep 18 '19, 2:38 a.m.
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by rschoon Sep 18 '19, 2:38 a.m.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 04 '19, 1:09 p.m.Unfortunately this question does not provide any useful information - I do not understand what this is about. Consider reading and following How should I ask a question in the Forum if I want to receive useful answers? and provide information and useful tagging - e.g. a product. If there is no related product and no useful information, I can close the question.