Java API : ChangeSummaryNode and ChangeSetNode
I am using Java API in order to retrieve information from the client about incoming change-sets. I am using to retrieve the information. The main purpose is to save on server hits and use the information stored in the client. I found the class ChangeSummaryNode which stores information for each file in the change-set. It has the two functions getBeforePath and getAfterPath which give the path to the file before and after the change. However, it is not a full path.I think it is missing the path to the component.
How do I build the path of the component, using the information in IComponentSyncModel ? (Or other services ?)
If the change was re-parented, how do I find the path of the source component ?
Thanks :-)
Luca Martinucci
Apr 24 '19, 10:52 a.m.Which kind of Java API are you using? The Plain Client API or the server-side SDK?
Gidi Gal
Apr 24 '19, 11:05 a.m.