I have installed the command line of the work items, and the following code gives me an error in the methods "getWorkItemCommon" and "getMonitor".
private String calculateCategoryAsString(Object value)
throws TeamRepositoryException {
if (value != null) {
if (value instanceof ICategoryHandle) {
return getWorkItemCommon().resolveHierarchicalName(
(ICategoryHandle) value, getMonitor());
throw new WorkItemCommandLineException(
"Convert Category - Incompatible Type Exception: "
+ value.toString());
One answer
Please read and follow: How should I ask a question in the Forum if I want to receive useful answers?
getWorkItemCommon() is implemented in an abstract class and returns the client library IWorkItemCommon usign getClientLibrary(). getMonitor() is implemented similar and returns an IProgressMonitor. For a monitor you can pass null as well. The link I provided has several other links talking about the basics of the plain java clienent libraries/rtc java API, especially in the section about getting started. You want to read those as well.
(ICategoryHandle) value, null);