[closed] Query requirements using state (Approved ) using OSLC RM API

Hello all
Using OSLC RM API (article 1197).. I am trying to query requirements with State(Default )="Approved".
Using Instance Shape I got below data:

Using above data , Can you please tell me what parameter need to pass in oslc:where? (&oslc.where=rm_property:_PfIW0OrtEeGaNr-hWVrMiw=<https://grarrc.ibm.com:9443/rm/types/_PamcJOrtEeGaNr-hWVrMiw%233e9db9f1-3d5c-4716-aae0-f48d49260a8b>) in this format ??
Value like "https://grarrc.ibm.com:9443/rm/types/_PamcJOrtEeGaNr-hWVrMiw%233e9db9f1-3d5c-4716-aae0-f48d49260a8b>" from where we get and this _PfIW0OrtEeGaNr-hWVrMiw also ?
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Duplicate Question" by rschoon Nov 29 '18, 4:48 a.m.