[closed] Highlighting of Changeset in History
Hello Team,
i would like to understand Highlighting of Changeset happening in RTC when i select file->Team->History.
My understanding is Changeset highlighted is the Current version of File in my local sandbox.
Today i have seen strange behaviour, in my local sandbox i have File version 13 but i see Team->History i could see older version(9) getting highlighted.
Not sure why this is happening. Any hints?
Thank you.
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Duplicate Question See: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/257076/changeset-shown-bold-in-history-what-does-that-mean" by daviddl Jan 11 '19, 2:12 p.m.
vinitha dsouza
Sep 27 '18, 2:28 a.m.