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What is the syntax to be used to make the list type enum attributes required using conditional scripting in RTC?

rkRash 123 (11319) | asked Dec 14 '17, 6:47 a.m.

Hi All,

I am trying to write conditional scripting to make the list type custom enum attribute required and not allowing to save  in Attribute customization section..

I have applied the Required Attribute preconditions according to role ,, the script works fine for notmal attributes like priority but when i built this for custom list type enum attribute m not able to succeed.


(function() {
var WorkItemAttributes =;
    dojo.declare("com.example.Condition1", null, {

        matches: function(workItem, configuration) {
        var WItype = workItem.getLabel(WorkItemAttributes.TYPE);
        var brand = workItem.getLabel("Brands");
        var PA = workItem.getLabel(WorkItemAttributes.PROJECT_AREA);

        if( WItype == "Feature" )
         if( brand == null)
             return 1;
            {return  0;


In the above script  brands is and list type enum .. But i failed to make the script to behave normally ?
Is there any issue with my above query? or any syntax ti be used  specially for enum list type attribute.

Thank you

One answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Dec 19 '17, 1:20 a.m.

You can make an Enumeration List attribute mandatory the same way as other attributes. You need the "Required Attributes For Condition" precondition. Don't worry about the logic in your script - for testing purpose, you should just use a script as simple as "return true" (the example script is exactly what you need).

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