[RTC 6.0.3] Create a work item to another RTC Instance from Followup Operationn
We have two RTC instances
I have a use case that from a project area A in ccm1 when i hit the save operation, I have to create a workitem in project area b in ccm2 and link them using tracks based on some rules.
both theese ccm instances share a common JTS.
This creation of work item has to be triggered from an operation participant any suggestions how to do so using the server api?
Thanks in advance
Abhishek Kumar
One answer
To create work items per server API please read: https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2016/10/24/using-the-work-item-server-api-to-create-work-items/
To write a save operation participant please work through https://jazz.net/library/article/1000
To create track links please read: https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2013/11/06/creating-clm-links-with-back-link/
Make sure the project areas in ccm1 and ccm2 have friend relationship to create the links.
You will need a second ITeamRepository object and login to it in your code much you would in the Eclipse client when connecting project areas from different CCMs.
If this is helpful please mark the answer accepted.
- Arne
Abhishek Kumar
Jul 05 '17, 8:01 a.m.any one?