Is permanent delete an option on 4.0.3?
We are in the process of upgrading RQM and one of our steps will be to permanently delete artifacts. Looking at this article, it states that permanent delete starts in 4.0.5. However, the permanent delete permission is showing for us on 4.0.3 and I was able to delete an artifact from the trash.
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Found out today that despite the fact there is permanent delete on RQM, it does not actually open up space on the DB which is what we are trying to ultimately accomplish. See this work item:
Brett Bohnn
Apr 29 '16, 1:13 p.m.Hi James,
I thought viewing trash and permanent delete were introduced in 4.0.5 as well but I started 4.0.3 and I see the option to view trash and permanently delete from the trash. However, I get "'Delete Work Item' Failed. Permission Denied. You don't have permission to perform the following actions: any" trying to permanently delete which seems strange because I deleted a test case (not a work item) and the user a role with permanent delete. The exact permission and steps in 4.0.5 and 6.0.x work as expected.
I am curious what artifact type worked and if you were run into inconsistencies.
James Paulus
Apr 29 '16, 1:30 p.m.Because it is production and I didn't want to cause too many disruptions, I only tried it with "category" and that is the one that worked. Our dev environment is already setup with 4.0.7.
Brett Bohnn
Apr 29 '16, 1:51 p.m.Hi,
I just permanently deleted a category and category value in 4.0.3 as well but cannot permanently delete a test case. I could be wrong but it you may not see consistent behavior in 4.0.3