how to auto populate dependent attributes of multi selecter using http filtered value set.
Hi All,
I created enumeration list and in work item presentation I took "Picker Enumeration List"(multi selector) and
I am trying to read the selected values from "Picker Enumeration List" and
on the basis of selected values from picker list other dependent attribute will show the values(from xml) in Pick up list using http filtered value set.
E.g. Consider "State" is an attribute of "Picker enumeration list" like we can select multiple state from the list.
And other attribute name is "District" and its a pick up list(which will read the district names from xml file using http filtered values).
If I select multiple state from "state" attribute then District attribute will show the list of all the district which are available between selected state and should be read from xml.
Is any solution available for the above or how to access the selected values into xml file.
If not then how to fullfill the above dependency by other way.