how to check in Unresolved things into existing ChangeSet
Accepted answer
Please see and the related posts to understand how to use the API. I don't know the details about checking in from a repository workspace, but you could use Plugin Spy (SHIFT+ALT+F1) or another tool like Yari in an Eclipse client set up with the SDK, to see the client code for the context menu action provided by the RTC Eclipse client.
Thank you Ralph, Now i am able to add the unresolved file into Changeset.
But I having one issue, like the file which was added into change set it will showing in both "Unresolved and "In Changeset",
How can i remove it from Unresolved State?
If you are running this in the context of a life RTC Client, you will have to find out how to trigger a refresh for the view. Use Plugin Spy in a development environment look up the class that implements this view and try to figure out how they do that.