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Authentication mechanism for integrating configuration-management-enabled CLM applications

Saqib Niaz (711223) | asked Feb 04 '16, 9:33 a.m.
I have implemented a configuration-management-enabled RM provider.
While adding a stream from my provider to Jazz's Global Configuration project, jazz needs access to following resources without authentication:
1. oslc_config
2. oslc_config/components

If I enforce authentication on the above mentioned rdf resources, Add Configuration dialog stops listing my service provider in the list of available service providers.

If I make these resources available without authentication, my service provider starts listing there. If I select my provider from the list then jazz tries to access OslcConfigurationPickerPane and even at that time it doesn't send any OAuth credentials.

Question: Is it the normal/expected behavior for adding a stream/baseline from our configuration-management-enabled provider?
And what resources must be published authentication-free?

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Saqib Niaz (711223) | answered Feb 22 '17, 9:50 a.m.

 I have just checked this issue with CLM 6.0.3,  it is fixed now. Jazz is sending OAuth credentials with all the requests to our service provider.

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