Create a new Sub Category for test case categories
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3 other answers
You mixed the concept of categories and values, hence your confusion. What you referred to in your post are "values", not "categories". Basically, it goes like this.
There are not actual "links" between the subcategory and the values one level up. It is only linked to the category one level up.
CategoryIf the subcategory is not displayed in the way it is now, you will not be able to add values to the subcategory, such as the "Subcategory 1" under "Value 3" shown at the bottom of the above example. Using your use case, I assume that you have the top "Category" and three values under it. Then when you add "Subcategory 1", you notice that it appears under all three values. There is nothing wrong! It should be displayed like this.
++ Value 1
++++ Subcategory 1
++++++ Value 11
++++++ Value 12
++ Value 2
++++ Subcategory 1
++++++ Value 21
++++++ Value 22
++ Value 3
++++ Subcategory 1
There are not actual "links" between the subcategory and the values one level up. It is only linked to the category one level up.
Subhajit Bhuiya
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 07 '16, 6:11 a.m.Please provide an example.