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CRRDV5005E The build results cannot be displayed because the build definition status records could not be retrieved from the server.

Tojan John (1172881) | asked Jul 20 '15, 8:10 a.m.
edited Jul 20 '15, 10:10 a.m.
Using RTC5.0.2 and Webshpere 8.5.5 on Linux. 

Build results are not displaying for some of the builds on one of the project area. Getting below error on "Build" widget.  Build results are showing in eclipse client

CRRDV5005E The build results cannot be displayed because the build definition status records could not be retrieved from the server. The server encountered an unexpected error that prevented the build definition status records from being retrieved. For more details about this issue, open the JavaScript console of your browser by pressing F12, refresh the widget, and check the JavaScript console for any resulting errors.

3 answers

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Arne Bister (2.6k12832) | answered Jul 20 '15, 2:46 p.m.
There are a couple of suggestions in this post:
which has the same error message / question. Can you please try them?

In the case of the referenced post the solution was a missing license. Please ensure that the user under which you have logged in has both the permissions to see Build results and the correct license.

If this helps answer your question please mark it as accepted.
- Arne

Tojan John commented Jul 21 '15, 1:55 a.m.

 Hi Arne,

It is not license or permission issue. I am administrator and can list the Build results of some builds.

One thing that I noticed is that, widget throws error for builds with more than 500 results while with few results are listing properly.

So is this limitation or any setting missing?

Arne Bister commented Jul 21 '15, 5:23 p.m.

Hi John,

even if a limit was set the widget should simply display build results up to the limit. Can you please verify that for build results > 500 the build results will display properly (and paged) in the full web client and the Eclipse Client?

To get a handle on what is happening with the widget I suggest you open a defect on and maybe give firebug a spin (if you are on Firefox) to find out what exact error message the widget is throwing under the hood.

Meanwhile is it possible to prune some of the older build results? How many do you have to keep for how long for each build definition?

- Arne

Tojan John commented Jul 22 '15, 2:51 a.m.

 Hi Arne,

> 500 build results are getting displayed properly on eclipse client and web client.

Can you help providing instructions on how to debug using firebug?

Also, how to prune old build results?

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Zeeshan Choudhry (6541612) | answered Jul 24 '15, 3:10 a.m.
Also, how to prune old build results?

In build definition you have the option in overview Tab under Pruning Policy
"Prune build results"

You can enable it and set it value to maybe default 10 ( depends on how much build results you want to keep for the build definition ) for each successful and failed build. ( Build results will not be deleted with this option if the build results have "Deletion Allowed" disabled. ( Open Build result and you will see it in overview tab under General Information ) 

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Arne Bister (2.6k12832) | answered Jul 24 '15, 3:37 a.m.
As for pruning build results, there is an excellent article by Ralph Schoon explaining how to automate that using the Plain Java API.

As for debugging with Firebug you do not have to do this yourself - I would suggest opening a defect on and/or work through it with IBM Support. If you want to find out how to use Firebug or other tools for Javascript debugging there is  good description in the wiki:

- Arne

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