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Problem with Reports in RTC 2.0

Scott Exton (1143) | asked Jul 01 '09, 7:22 p.m.
Recently I upgraded from RTC v1.1 to RTC 2.0. I am now experiencing problems when I attempt to generate the majority of the standard reports. I get the following error: 'No story work items were found.'. I have updated the repository snapshot but this didn't improve the situation. Any thoughts?

4 answers

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Jul 01 '09, 10:38 p.m.
Hi Scott, you will need to configure your top level work item type and complexity attribute in your project area.

In RTC 1.0, the Story reports hard coded the Story work item type and the story points custom attribute. In 2.0, we no longer do that. The reporting component will use whatever is specified in the project area as the top level work item type and the complexity attribute.

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Scott Exton (1143) | answered Jul 01 '09, 11:02 p.m.
Is it possible to get some more information on how to set the top level work item type and complexity attribute. I've attempted to do this using the eclipse client and the closest thing which I could find is 'Top Level Work Item Types', but this already has 'Story' selected.


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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Jul 02 '09, 2:07 p.m.
- Open the project area editor using the Eclipse Client.
- Open the Process Configuration tab
- Expand the Project Configuration node
- Expand the Configuration Data node
- Expand the Planning node
- Click the Plan Attributes and set the Complexity attribute to "Story Points"
- Click the Top-level Work Item Type and choose the Story Work Item Type.
- Save the project area

Are the non-story reports showing data?

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Scott Exton (1143) | answered Jul 02 '09, 5:45 p.m.
The non-story reports appear to be showing data OK. I've made the changes which you suggested and everything is working great. Thanks for the assistance.

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