How can I set a workitem resolution date using plain Java API?
I had been working in the weeds with the API last year but now it's been a while and I'm pretty fuzzy on it. I thought I'd ask for guidance before digging in again. Would I be using the generic setAttribute method, find the attribute ID of the resolution date field and set it that way?
Accepted answer
Wow, that is VERY cool! I learned just about everything I know about RTC API from your posts but somehow never ran across WCL. Thank you so much!
It is pretty recent, when I found time to pull all my code together. I have tested it as good as I could. I am waiting for feedback and will try to address issues, if they come up.
1 vote
One other answer
I am with Tiago. why do you want to do this?
OH, I see what you guys are saying. I think my case is a little special because this particular work item doesn't proceed through the lifecycle in normal terms. It acts as a proxy record for another internal system we have. I have code that periodically updates the RTC proxy record (custom work item). So it wouldn't be accurate for the resolution date to reflect the date the record was closed since that is usually ex-post-facto. I want to set the record close date to the system of record. Normally, I would agree with you but I don't think that approach works in this case.
The code to change the workflow state is also available in my blog, in case you want to rather use a workflow in your proxy work item Andy.
Well, I guess this does not apply in a batched process. But please be aware that if you really resolve the work item later, the attribute might be overwritten.
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