How get the work item used to checkin a particular file
Is it possible to get the work item used to checkin a file/Changeset to a particular component of a Project area?
For Ex if file has been modified by Developer A most recently using work item 123456 , is it possible to get this number
Using scm show history command we can get the Change Set details.
scm show history -r $URL -u $userId -P $pwd -w $ws --component icdp_core_as /source/common/Adapters/com/bac/icdp/consumer/common
Change sets:
(1539) ----$ Json "Lenderview_ForwardFits" 03-Feb-2015 07:35 AM
(1259) ----$ Joshi, issue fix." 26-Jun-2014 05:17 AM
(1260) ----$ Dinesh "changed and added new" 16-May-2014 05:24 AM
There is additional history available before this point.
Can i get the Work Item used for the Change set using JAVA or SCM?
(1539) ----$ Json "Code review changes" 03-Feb-2015 07:35 AM
One answer
I believe the "-v/--verbose" option to 'scm show history' should list you the workitems associated with each of the change sets. If not, you can use 'scm list changes <changeset alias/uuid>' to list the changes and workitems.
By the way, if you are using this in a script you could use the --json option to print the output in json format.
By the way, if you are using this in a script you could use the --json option to print the output in json format.