How can I eliminate ResourceGroups from going through the load process on Insight - RQM
In our environment, every project gets created as a Lifecycle Project, with CCM, QM, and RM projects. Many of the teams are not yet using the QM piece. However, the .xdc files downloaded for Insight reporting still have them listed in the ResourceGroup, and for each project, it takes about 13 minutes to run the various jobs and builds of the Data Movement Task.
I tried to comment out the various lines in the .xdc file, but doing that leads to errors when simply trying to run isql with the Data Source name. It looks to me that there are other pieces intertwined in the .xdc file. Is there something else which I'm missing? Jazz 4.0.4 and Insight
For example, I've found these lines in my .xdc file, which I tried to comment out, and doesn't work.
<ResourceGroup guid="_7o8YUNeOEeOE0K6jd_Pr6A" name="QM002_DBJOLifecycleProjectQualityMa" description="" version="" url="" authentication="amltLmZhZ2FuQGRiLmNvbTpDaHIxc3RtYXM=" authtype="2" formsecurityurl="" linkable="true" target="//@ResourceGroupCategory/@ResourceGroupCategory.0/@ResourceGroup.0" testRelativePath="/testcase"/>
Accepted answer
Hello Jim,
this operation is better done with the XML Data Configuration Tool.
Open the RQM XDC file an navigate to XML Data Configuration > Resources > RationalQualityManager.
Here you will find an entry for every RQM project you have.
You can delete the resources for the project you don't want to collect data from.
Note: The definition of the data structure is attached to the QM001 resource. Don't delete that node or the xdc file will be unusable. if you don't want to collect data from that project, replace the URL with one from a project you want to collect data from.
Note2: XML Data Configuration Tool is a Windows only program. If your server is on Linux, prepare the xdc files on your DevTools workstation and then transfer them to the server.
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi
this operation is better done with the XML Data Configuration Tool.
Open the RQM XDC file an navigate to XML Data Configuration > Resources > RationalQualityManager.
Here you will find an entry for every RQM project you have.
You can delete the resources for the project you don't want to collect data from.
Note: The definition of the data structure is attached to the QM001 resource. Don't delete that node or the xdc file will be unusable. if you don't want to collect data from that project, replace the URL with one from a project you want to collect data from.
Note2: XML Data Configuration Tool is a Windows only program. If your server is on Linux, prepare the xdc files on your DevTools workstation and then transfer them to the server.
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi
Thanks, Francesco. I should have thought of doing it from the Data Configuration Tool. It makes a lot of sense. I've removed it, copied it over to my linux box, and was able to easily run isql against the new .xdc file. I'll be running the QM Data Load shortly, but I expect this will be fine.
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