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How to build complex RTC query combining "AND" "OR" conditions

Pascal Jean (6013041) | asked Dec 17 '14, 12:03 p.m.
edited Dec 17 '14, 12:07 p.m.


This is a question about the RTC building query in RTC-CLM 5.0.

I would like to create a query with the following criteria:

Find all (unresolved Work Items)


((Due date before today’s date) or (Due date is none))


((Estimated date before today’s date) or (Estimated date is none))


((Due date is not none) or (Estimated date is not none))

I already browse this good article but I’m sure what we want can be


In particular I’m not too familiar how to combine the “And” and “Or” condition?

Have you other good tips to do such queries

Thank you in advance

Pascal Jean

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Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | answered Dec 17 '14, 12:15 p.m.
You have a good structure there, which tells you the different groups.

Start with a query from scratch. 
Your "outer" group is an AND, since it is status is unresolved AND <blah> AND <blah> AND <blah>
Add a condition that is for Status is Unresolved.
Then add an OR GROUP (same add + but select OR GROUP).  You can actually do that 3 times, so you would have an outer group that at the top says AND, then your Unresolved, and below the unresolved (same indenting) you have 3 groups that at the top say OR in each.
Then inside the OR group lines, you add 2 conditions one for, say, Due date Unassigned and then another for Due date before (including)  1 day ago relative date.

Here is what mine started looking like (i didn't do all the boxes)...see if this helps....

sam detweiler commented Dec 17 '14, 12:24 p.m.

and I answered similarly in the other post you created on the same topic

Pascal Jean commented Dec 17 '14, 12:33 p.m.

Thank you Susan,
I think we have good starts to build the quer.
Pasca Jean

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