Missing test cases with only 512 entries being returned and no pagination links
We are running a REST call to RQM (4.0.4) to query for all the available test cases. When we go to the RQM UI, we see 649 test cases. When we query the REST API, we only get 512 back and there are no pages listed in the feed.
REST call:
512 entries and no link rel=“next” entries (searched for next in the XML and nothing was found)
Any ideas on why we aren’t seeing the other 100 or so test cases?
One answer
Hi Kellen,
The feed result is paged using ATOM paging specification and the size is controlled by the Max Feed Entries/Page
The feed result is paged using ATOM paging specification and the size is controlled by the Max Feed Entries/Page
Advanced Property. For more information, see https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi#Feeds.