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[closed] how to download any file from RTC server to local

Sumit Singh Tomar (266) | asked Jul 10 '14, 8:14 a.m.
closed Jul 10 '14, 8:40 a.m. by Tim Mok (6.6k38)
 Hi Team, 

we want to download the source file from rtc server to our local machine. 

can anyone help us out for the same. 


Tim Mok commented Jul 10 '14, 8:28 a.m.

Can you be more specific about how you want to do this? You can download individual files through the web UI but it's not clear if you want to access files some other way.

Robert Wen commented Jul 10 '14, 8:28 a.m.

Are you not using any of the source control clients (e.g. Eclipse, Visual Studio, or shell client)?  When you create your repository workspace and specify your local workspace/sandbox, that file would get loaded to your local machine. 

Sumit Singh Tomar commented Jul 10 '14, 8:48 a.m.

 i need java code for downloading any file from RTC. Somewhere i m seeing IWorkspaceHandle need to be passed to get Workspace connection.psb for more detail  but what should be assigned to this IWorkspacehandle

 ITeamRepository repo = ...;
   IWorkspaceHandle workspaceHandle = ...;
   IVersionableHandle versionableHandle = ...;
   //fetch workspace from IItemManager
   IItemManager itemManager = repo.itemManager();
   IWorkspace workspace = (IWorkspace) itemManager.fetchCompleteItem(workspaceHandle, monitor);
   //fetch workspace connection from IWorkspaceManager
   IWorkspaceManager workspaceManager = SCMPlatform.getWorkspaceManager(repo);
   IWorkspaceConnection workspaceConnection = workspaceManager.getWorkspaceConnection(workspaceHandle, monitor);

The question has been closed for the following reason: "Duplicate Question I assume this question is the same. There is no need to open a question twice." by tmok Jul 10 '14, 8:40 a.m.