Unable to login to server from CLI
I am trying to login to a repository from scm command line. But it is throwing an error:
Problem running 'login':
Could not log in to <server>:9443/jazz as user <user>: CRJAZ2381E Cannot connect to the
repository at URL <server>:9443/jazz make sure that the server is running and available.
CRJAZ2381E Cannot connect to the repository at URL <server>:9443/jazz make sure that
the server is running and available.
An error has occurred. Kindly check the log for more details.
I am able to login to the web client successfully.
What could be the possible issue?
Also, where to find the logs for scm cli?
Accepted answer
Hi Karl,
We are using a proxy and as suggested I did the required things.
But I am still getting the error. 2 errors are coming.
Sometimes the error is CRJAZ2384E, sometimes it is CRJAZ2381E
OS is Windows7
RTC version is 4.0.5
I have RTC client v4.0 and v4.0.6
I tired with both of them. Nothing is working.
Hi Karl,
I finally tried with scm tools of RTC Eclipse version3.0 and it worked.
I have 2 doubts regarding it.
1. My RTC version is 4.0.5, why is it working only for scmtools v3.0?
2. I tried to login with userid in small letters <user1>.(it is actually the user ID). It got logged in successfully. However after this, for every command i got the error that repository is already logged in with <USER1>.
I followed this question and logged in with USER1 (all in caps) and now i am successfully able to execute every command.
Why is USER1 (in caps) able to login when my user id is in small letters?
Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk
May 27 '14, 9:32 a.m.Hi Shuchuta,
I see that you are using /jazz context. Do you have exactly this context? What was server address you were attempting to log in?
Shuchita Tripathi
May 27 '14, 11:48 a.m.Yes the context is /jazz.