Where did "com.ibm.team.apt.client_[.....].jar" go?
Hi there
We are also using some functionality from the non-public API. And there I have an issue:
I cannot find the JAR "com.ibm.team.apt.client_[.....].jar".
I cannot find the JAR "com.ibm.team.apt.client_[.....].jar".
The version of this JAR I use has the following name: "com.ibm.team.apt.client_3.0.1.v20110602_1036.jar".
It would be very helpful if someone can point me out where to find the most recent version of this JAR or in case of a rename: what the new name is
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
Accepted answer
Hello Lukas,
what is the version of the RTC SDK are you using.
In my 4.0.5 version, I can see:
HI Eric
Thanks a lot for your help.
I just recognized my silliness. For some inexplicable reason, I've searched within the server folder instead of the SDK.
One note if someone should be as silly as me: the jar's are in the 'plugins' folder
Hello Lukas,
glad I could help here.
(no pb, I could share with you a lot of examples where I had the same feeling :-)