Transfer RQM v2.x (Server A) projects to RQM v3.x (Server B) and retire Server A??

Server A is currently on RQM 2.x (/jazz)
Server B is on RQM (/qm) which has pre-existing projects
We want to migrate data from Server A to Server B and Data includes:
- Test Plan
-Test data
- Test Case
-Test suite
-Test Keyword
-Test Script
and perhaps retire server A once the transfer of projects from Server A to Server B is complete..
We planned the following approach:-
a. On server A : Upgrade and migrate RQM v2.x to RQM v3.0.1.1(/jazz)
b. Use copy utility to migrate project artifacts from "RQM v3.0.1.1(/jazz) -- Server A" to "RQM v3.0.1.1(/qm) -- Server B".
But b. would fail since the context roots are different..
Any other approach that can be tried??
Accepted answer

I believe you running into Copy Utility does not support spaces in the project area alias for PUT/POST requests. (57659), since the project area alias (newTOproject (Quality Management)) contains unencoded spaces causing the PUT request to the destination server to fail.
Please try using the RQM Copy Utility in Note, you will have to add the resources that don't supported GET/PUT operations in RQM (e.g. channel - see to the -ignoreTypes parameter (see

Thank you, I tried the following:-

Unless it's a new defect or you are invoking the RQM Copy Utility, this should work. Can you reconfirm and post your Copy Utility log?

I re-tried with RQM 403M4 copy util and with the command below..

Hi Sunil,
You missed the following step:
Note, you will have to add the resources that don't supported GET/PUT operations in RQM (e.g. channel - see to the -ignoreTypes parameter (see
To resolve the problem, add the -ignoreTypes=channel parameter to the RQM Copy Utility command.
1 vote

Or maybe just the artifact types that you want to copy:
-a, -artifactType=<artifactType1>,<artifactTypeN>
1 vote
2 other answers

The public public URI includes the context root so this should work. Where the context roots correct in the -s/-d parameters? If so, please attach the Copy Utility output/log.

Paul, I tried copying between RQM 3012 project Area on Server A with "/jazz" context root and RQM 3012 project area on Server B with "/qm" context root and it failed..