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[closed] Upgrading Server 1.0 to 1.0.1: Error 404: ProxyServlet: /ja

Tom Frauenhofer (1.3k58435) | asked Nov 10 '08, 7:48 p.m.
closed Sep 16 '15, 6:50 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)
I've just upgraded a working RTC 1.0 server (WAS, DB2, Linux) using the
Installation Manager. I saved the previous file.
I have also restored provision_profile files. No DB migration was done
(or needed I believe). WAS still has the all the JVM properties still set.

Now, my Linux admin confessed that the hostname of the Linux server has
changed over the weekend; not sure if that's relevant to a Jazz server.

When try to use the Web UI I get:

Error 404: ProxyServlet: /jazz

If I use the Admin Web UI like so https://host:9443/jazz/admin

I then get the UI going but errors are being reported:

Provision Status
CRJAZ0310I The feature with an id of
"" could not be
found in the update site
"file:/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/update-site" referenced in the
profile file
Verify that the feature id is correct and available in the update-site.
CRJAZ0303I The profile install from
"file:/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/update-site" was started at "Mon
Nov 10 19:23:03 EST 2008".

CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL

The question has been closed for the following reason: "This was the question about upgrading old, not supported version." by krzysztofkazmierczyk Sep 16 '15, 6:50 a.m.

2 answers

permanent link
Tom Frauenhofer (1.3k58435) | answered Nov 11 '08, 1:48 p.m.
Matt Lavin wrote:
From that error, it looks like the "license-profile.ini" file was
accidentially modified to point to "server/update-site" instead of
"server/license-update-site". That alone should not result in the
ProxyServlet error, but it should be fixed.

To solve the ProxyServlet error, can you try going to
https://<yourserver>:9443/jazz/admin? and then restating your server? In the past, the ProxyServlet error has been a result of two copies of some plugins getting installed at the same time and resetting your server should clean out the old plugins.

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

On Mon, 2008-11-10 at 19:39 -0500, David Ward wrote:

First fixing the DB2 problem and then doing the server reset fixed the

Thanks for your help

I've just upgraded a working RTC 1.0 server (WAS, DB2, Linux) using the
Installation Manager. I saved the previous file.
I have also restored provision_profile files. No DB migration was done
(or needed I believe). WAS still has the all the JVM properties still set.

Now, my Linux admin confessed that the hostname of the Linux server has
changed over the weekend; not sure if that's relevant to a Jazz server.

When try to use the Web UI I get:

Error 404: ProxyServlet: /jazz

If I use the Admin Web UI like so https://host:9443/jazz/admin

I then get the UI going but errors are being reported:

Provision Status
CRJAZ0310I The feature with an id of
"" could not be
found in the update site
"file:/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/update-site" referenced in the
profile file
Verify that the feature id is correct and available in the update-site.
CRJAZ0303I The profile install from
"file:/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/update-site" was started at "Mon
Nov 10 19:23:03 EST 2008".

CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL

permanent link
Matt Lavin (2.7k2) | answered Nov 11 '08, 8:28 a.m.
From that error, it looks like the "license-profile.ini" file was
accidentially modified to point to "server/update-site" instead of

"server/license-update-site". That alone should not result in the
ProxyServlet error, but it should be fixed.

To solve the ProxyServlet error, can you try going to
https://<yourserver>:9443/jazz/admin? and then restating your server? In the past, the ProxyServlet error has been a result of two copies of some plugins getting installed at the same time and resetting your server should clean out the old plugins.

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

On Mon, 2008-11-10 at 19:39 -0500, David Ward wrote:
I've just upgraded a working RTC 1.0 server (WAS, DB2, Linux) using the
Installation Manager. I saved the previous file.
I have also restored provision_profile files. No DB migration was done
(or needed I believe). WAS still has the all the JVM properties still set.

Now, my Linux admin confessed that the hostname of the Linux server has
changed over the weekend; not sure if that's relevant to a Jazz server.

When try to use the Web UI I get:

Error 404: ProxyServlet: /jazz

If I use the Admin Web UI like so https://host:9443/jazz/admin

I then get the UI going but errors are being reported:

Provision Status
CRJAZ0310I The feature with an id of
"" could not be
found in the update site
"file:/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/update-site" referenced in the
profile file
Verify that the feature id is correct and available in the update-site.
CRJAZ0303I The profile install from
"file:/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/update-site" was started at "Mon
Nov 10 19:23:03 EST 2008".

CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL

Tom Frauenhofer commented Nov 11 '08, 8:48 a.m. | edited Sep 16 '15, 6:49 a.m.

Hi Matt

Certainly, I'll do that test.

An extra bit of info .. this problem may be caused by the following DB2
'connection refused' :
Error opening socket to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 on port 50,000
with message: Connection refused.
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at $Proxy56.getDatabaseStatus(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at javax.servlet.http.Http

Matt Lavin wrote:

From that error, it looks like the "license-profile.ini" file was
accidentially modified to point to "server/update-site" instead of
"server/license-update-site". That alone should not result in the
ProxyServlet error, but it should be fixed.

To solve the ProxyServlet error, can you try going to
https://<yourserver>:9443/jazz/admin? and then restating your server? In the past, the ProxyServlet error has been a result of two copies of some plugins getting installed at the same time and resetting your server should clean out the old plugins.

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

On Mon, 2008-11-10 at 19:39 -0500, David Ward wrote:
I've just upgraded a working RTC 1.0 server (WAS, DB2, Linux) using the
Installation Manager. I saved the previous file.
I have also restored provision_profile files. No DB migration was done
(or needed I believe). WAS still has the all the JVM properties still set.

Now, my Linux admin confessed that the hostname of the Linux server has
changed over the weekend; not sure if that's relevant to a Jazz server.

When try to use the Web UI I get:

Error 404: ProxyServlet: /jazz

If I use the Admin Web UI like so https://host:9443/jazz/admin

I then get the UI going but errors are being reported:

Provision Status
CRJAZ0310I The feature with an id of
"" could not be
found in the update site
"file:/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/update-site" referenced in the
profile file
Verify that the feature id is correct and available in the update-site.
CRJAZ0303I The profile install from
"file:/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/update-site" was started at "Mon
Nov 10 19:23:03 EST 2008".

CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL

Matt Lavin commented Nov 11 '08, 10:18 a.m. | edited Sep 16 '15, 6:49 a.m.

That error definitely won't help anything. It looks like DB2 was either
stopped, is listening on a different port, or isn't setup to accept
TCPIP connections

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 08:46 -0500, David Ward wrote:

Hi Matt

Certainly, I'll do that test.

An extra bit of info .. this problem may be caused by the following DB2
'connection refused' :
Error opening socket to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 on port 50,000
with message: Connection refused.
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at $Proxy56.getDatabaseStatus(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at javax.servlet.http.Http

Matt Lavin wrote:
From that error, it looks like the "license-profile.ini" file was
accidentially modified to point to "server/update-site" instead of
"server/license-update-site". That alone should not result in the
ProxyServlet error, but it should be fixed.

To solve the ProxyServlet error, can you try going to
https://<yourserver>:9443/jazz/admin? and then restating your server? In the past, the ProxyServlet error has been a result of two copies of some plugins getting installed at the same time and resetting your server should clean out the old plugins.

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

On Mon, 2008-11-10 at 19:39 -0500, David Ward wrote:
I've just upgraded a working RTC 1.0 server (WAS, DB2, Linux) using the
Installation Manager. I saved the previous file.
I have also restored provision_profile files. No DB migration was done
(or needed I believe). WAS still has the all the JVM properties still set.

Now, my Linux admin confessed that the hostname of the Linux server has
changed over the weekend; not sure if that's relevant to a Jazz server.

When try to use the Web UI I get:

Error 404: ProxyServlet: /jazz

If I use the Admin Web UI like so https://host:9443/jazz/admin

I then get the UI going but errors are being reported:

Provision Status
CRJAZ0310I The feature with an id of
"" could not be
found in the update site
"file:/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/update-site" referenced in the
profile file
Verify that the feature id is correct and available in the update-site.
CRJAZ0303I The profile install from
"file:/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/update-site" was started at "Mon
Nov 10 19:23:03 EST 2008".

CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0300I Installing the feature
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL