(Supplements core Scrum)
The Product Owner refines the Release Backlog together with the team to ensure that they all have an up-to-date ranked
list on which to base their Sprint Planning.
An ordered Release Backlog ensures that the team plans the most important work for the upcoming Sprint.
Note: The backlog is refined continuously throughout the project. Backlog refinement should consume
about 10% of the team's time. The Scrum guide does not specify how often this task is performed, or whether it is done
with meetings. We take the approach that the Product Owner will call meetings as required.
The team decides when and how this activity is peformed. There are several different approaches. Here we
describe an approach where the Scrum Master coordinates this activity.
1. (optional) Create Work items related to Sprint activities
Teams can create work items to track non-development activities performed during the Sprint, including this one (Refine
Release Backlog).
2. Refine Release Backlog
Perform the same steps as Refine Product Backlog, with a focus on the highest ranked work items that are
likely to be included in the next Sprint.
3. Determine if the Release Backlog is sufficiently refined
The Scrum Master determines if the Release Backlog is sufficiently refined. There should be a high level of
confidence in the details and sizing for all stories that might be considered for the the next Sprint. If this is
not obvious, then discuss with the team the need to do more refinement.
If it is not obvious that you have enough stories refined for the next Sprint, sum the sizes of the refined stories and
confirm the sum exceeds the team's historical velocity.