In the Daily Scrum the team shares progress made since the last Scrum, what they will do today until the next
Scrum, and what is impeding their work.
The Daily Scrum is for coordination and is used to foster team communication and collaboration. It helps ensure that
the development team meets the Sprint Goal.
1. Send out invitations
The Scrum Master arranges a regular time and place for the meeting, and sends out meeting invitations. (Note that
the Scrum guide only specifies that the Scrum Master is responsible to ensure that the Daily Scrum occurs - we
have added this step for clarity on how this can be done).
2. Regularly update tasks and stories
Each team member is self driven and ensures that their tasks are in the correct position on the task board. On a
physical task board, the team members move their sticky notes. On a virtual task board, the team members update task
Each team member updates time remaining, and corrects the estimate if less or more time is required to complete
the task.
The Scrum Master (or designated story owner), updates the status of the stories to In Development or Done depending on
the status of the child tasks.
The development team performs the following steps.
1. Facilitate the daily scrum
Any development team member can facilitate the meeting. The Daily Scrum should be conducted in 15 minutes or less.
2. Each development team member provides input
This is what I did yesterday to help meet the Sprint goal
This is what I am going to do today to help meet the Sprint goal
This is what is impeding my progress to meet the Sprint goal.
3. Capture impediments and risks
Capture any impediments or identified risks. Do not stop to diagnose the problems. Simply capture the issue and keep
The designated facilitator creates any additional work items (typically some tasks, risks, and/or impediments)
based on the notes taken during the meeting.