Install and configure Rational Team Concert (server and client), and import the appropriate process template.
The guidance provided in this solution works only if the tools are correctly installed and configured.
A system administrator performs the following steps:
Tool guidance
1. Install and configure Rational Team Concert
You can download Rational Team Concert from
Installing Rational Team Concert is the same as installing the Jazz Team Server and Change
and Configuration Management (CCM) components of the Rational Solution for Collaborative LIfecycle
Installing Collaborative Lifecycle Management Products.
Configuring the environment
2. Download the Agile ALM Solution
The files for the Agile ALM Solution can be downloaded from Jazz.Net.
3. Import the process template
There are two process templates available, one for users with internet access, that has links to
process guidance on, and one for users without internet access, that requires process guidance
to be separately installed.
Choose one of the following alternatives.
Import process template in the Rational Team Concert Web interface
Alternative 1: For users with internet access
Download and unzip
Import the process template:
It links to process descriptions on, and users of this template require internet access.
Import process template in the Rational Team Concert Web interface
Alternative 2: For users who do NOT have internet access
Download and unzip
Import the process template:
The aalm_r2.war file is a website containing process guidance. Deploy this website on the same
server that hosts the Rational Team Concert application, in order for links from work items to resolve
Import process template in the Rational Team Concert Web interface
To install "aalm_r2.war" using the default Tomcat web server:
Using Windows Explorer, copy the file "aalm_r2.war" to the folder
C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\tomcat\webapps substituting your Jazz Team Server
install path if different.
For use with other web servers, please consult that web server’s documentation for war file deployment
4. (optional) Install Rational Team Concert Eclipse Client
The Rational Team Concert Eclipse client supports some additional capabilities that are not available
in the web client (e.g., delivering code changes, requesting new builds, importing work items).
Generally, non-software developers do not need the Eclipse client (the web client contains all the
features they need). However, importing existing work into the backlog is a popular way to start a new
project and that functionality is only available in the RTC Eclipse client.
Installing Rational Team Concert clients
If you have used a previous version of this solution, then after installing the latest version, you need to upgrade
existing projects to the new version. When a new RTC process template becomes available, existing projects are
not automatically affected. As a result, they do not benefit from improvements in the new process template.
Note that each release of the practices/process guidance uses unique URLs. Thus, both old and new practices
websites can co-exist; work items created using older process templates will continue to link to the practices
associated with that template, and work items created using the new process template will link to practices associated
with the new template.
Upgrading via process sharing
Upgrading to a new template is much easier if projects were created using process sharing. If you have used this approach, then you can create a new provider
project area using the new process template (following the steps provided in Creating an "Agile ALM with Scrum" Project). Then upgrade existing consumer
projects by pointing them to the new provider project area. See Modifying a project area to use another project area's process.
Upgrading manually
If process sharing was not used then there is no automated way to change the process template for a project. However,
it is possible to manually apply some of the new process template features to an existing template. To implement
template changes manually, you must first understand what the new process template contains and how it compares the
template you are currently using. Then consult the tool documentation to learn how to make each of the desired changes
to the template. These changes must be manually performed on each project that uses the older template.
The solution download page includes
information on what has changed since the previous version.
More information
See Rational Team Concert Tutorial Setup
Guide for detailed step-by-step guidance. Also see this demo.