Jazz Library TN0015: Jazz Reports Component Requires X11 Libraries on a Linux Server
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TN0015: Jazz Reports Component Requires X11 Libraries on a Linux Server

Last Updated: June 11, 2008
Author: Rafik Jaouani


When running the Jazz Reports functionality included with Rational Team Concert 1.0 Standard Edition on a server with a Linux operating system, it is necessary for X11 libraries to be present.

More Information

If you are running Jazz Reports functionality using a server with a Linux operating system, please please be aware that the X11 libraries are required for the Reports component to properly render charts. This does not mean that the server needs to be running an X server, only that the libraries are installed. The following checklist is provided to help you determine if any additional action is required:

  • Are the X11 libraries installed? Please check your distribution-specific documentation for information on how to query and install packages. On some distributions, the required package name may include xorg-x11-libs, and it should contain a file such as /usr/lib/X11/libX11.so.6.
  • Are you on a 64-bit system? If so, please be aware that some JVMs require the 32-bit X11 libraries. (The 32-bit libraries may coexist with the 64-bit libraries).
  • Can AWT run headless? If a DISPLAY variable (and hence an X server) is not available to the process running your Jazz server, you may need to instruct the AWT library to run headless. Please ensure VM argument -Djava.awt.headless=true in the script that starts your server.
Wed, 25 Jun 2008