RSC 2009: CRM27 – Heterogeneous Development using Eclipse and Rational Team Concert Visual Studio
Rational Team Concert is a collaborative development environment optimized for agile teams. Whether your development is Java or .NET centric and your IDE Eclipse or Visual Studio, you can use Rational Team Concert to collaborate, track your projects, manage your source code and build your components. In this presentation we will show you how a heterogeneous team can leverage Team Concert to work effectively on a project, following the same process, and collaborating via sharing common artifacts like streams, work items, change sets, builds, feeds etc. We will show you how, as a Visual Studio developer, you can use all the power and capabilities of Team Concert for collaborative development. We will show you what's already there, find out what you think is important for your projects, and also give you a taste of what's to come.p test environments with an exact copy of the actual archive.
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