head 1.3; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; expand @b@; 1.3 date 2013.; author vphan; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date 2012.; author vphan; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2012.; author vphan; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @none @ 1.3 log @HP ALM Adapter (Turtle) @ text @@@prefix dcterms: . @@prefix owl: . @@prefix rdf: . @@prefix rdfs: . @@prefix foaf: . @@prefix oslc_hpqc: . @@prefix oslc_qm: . @@prefix oslc_cm: . @@prefix oslc_rm: . ### Vocabulary oslc_hpqc: a owl:Ontology ; dcterms:title "The Rational OSLC Adapter for HP ALM Vocabulary" ; dcterms:description "All vocabulary URIs defined in the Rational OSLC Adapter for HP ALM namespace." ; dcterms:source ; dcterms:license ; dcterms:dateCopyrighted "2012" ; rdfs:label "IBM Rational OSLC Adapter for HP ALM" ; # rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:seeAlso . ### Classes oslc_qm:TestCase a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_qm: ; rdfs:label "TestCase" ; rdfs:comment "The HP ALM Test resource defined as an OSLC QM TestCase" ; rdfs:seeAlso . oslc_qm:TestPlan a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_qm: ; rdfs:label "TestPlan" ; rdfs:comment "The HP ALM Test Folder resource defined as an OSLC QM TestPlan" ; rdfs:seeAlso . oslc_qm:TestExecutionRecord a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_qm: ; rdfs:label "TestExecutionRecord" ; rdfs:comment "The HP ALM Test Instance resource defined as an OSLC QM TestExecutionRecord" ; rdfs:seeAlso . oslc_qm:TestResult a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_qm: ; rdfs:label "TestResult" ; rdfs:comment "The HP ALM Run resource defined as an OSLC QM TestResult" ; rdfs:seeAlso . oslc_hpqc:TestSet a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "TestSet" ; rdfs:comment "The HP ALM TestSet resource" . foaf:Person a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy foaf: ; rdfs:label "Person" ; rdfs:comment "The HP ALM User resource defined as a FOAF Person" ; rdfs:seeAlso . oslc_cm:ChangeRequest a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_cm: ; rdfs:label "ChangeRequest" ; rdfs:comment "The HP ALM Defect resource defined as an OSLC CM ChangeRequest" ; rdfs:seeAlso . oslc_rm:Requirement a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_rm: ; rdfs:label "Requirement" ; rdfs:comment "The HP ALM Requirement resource defined as an OSLC RM Requirement" ; rdfs:seeAlso . oslc_rm:RequirementCollection a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_rm: ; rdfs:label "RequirementCollection" ; rdfs:comment "The HP ALM Test Folder resource defined as an OSLC RM RequirementCollection" ; rdfs:seeAlso . ### Common HP ALM properties # version control properties oslc_hpqc:vc-checkin-comments a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "vc-checkin-comments" ; rdfs:comment "The vc-checkin-comments property of an HP ALM version-enabled resource." . oslc_hpqc:vc-status a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "vc-status" ; rdfs:comment "The vc-status property of an HP ALM version-enabled resource." . oslc_hpqc:vc-start-audit-action-id a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "vc-start-audit-action-id" ; rdfs:comment "The vc-start-audit-action-id property of an HP ALM version-enabled resource." . oslc_hpqc:vc-end-audit-action-id a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "vc-end-audit-action-id" ; rdfs:comment "The vc-end-audit-action-id property of an HP ALM version-enabled resource." . oslc_hpqc:vc-comments a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "vc-comments" ; rdfs:comment "The vc-comments property of an HP ALM version-enabled resource." . oslc_hpqc:vc-time a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "vc-time" ; rdfs:comment "The vc-time property of an HP ALM version-enabled resource." . oslc_hpqc:vc-checkin-user-name a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "vc-checkin-user-name" ; rdfs:comment "The vc-checkin-user-name property of an HP ALM version-enabled resource." . oslc_hpqc:vc-checkin-time a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "vc-checkin-time" ; rdfs:comment "The vc-checkin-time property of an HP ALM version-enabled resource." . oslc_hpqc:check-out-user-name a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "check-out-user-name" ; rdfs:comment "The check-out-user-name property of an HP ALM version-enabled resource." . # other common properties oslc_hpqc:attachment a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "attachment" ; rdfs:comment "The attachment property of an HP ALM resource." . oslc_hpqc:has-linkage a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "has-linkage" ; rdfs:comment "The has-linkage property of an HP ALM resource." . oslc_hpqc:parent a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "parent" ; rdfs:comment "The parent of an HP ALM resource." . oslc_hpqc:parentId a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "parentId" ; rdfs:comment "The parentId property of an HP ALM resource." . oslc_hpqc:status a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "status" ; rdfs:comment "The status property of an HP ALM resource." . oslc_hpqc:dev-comments a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "dev-comments" ; rdfs:comment "The dev-comments property of an HP ALM resource." . ### oslc_qm:TestCase Properties oslc_hpqc:subtype-id a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "subtype-id" ; rdfs:comment "The subtype-id property of an HP ALM TestCase resource." . oslc_hpqc:storage-path a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "storage-path" ; rdfs:comment "The storage-path property of an HP ALM TestCase resource." . oslc_hpqc:step-param a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "step-param" ; rdfs:comment "The step-param property of an HP ALM TestCase resource." . oslc_hpqc:steps a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "steps" ; rdfs:comment "The steps property of an HP ALM TestCase resource." . oslc_hpqc:exec-status a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "exec-status" ; rdfs:comment "The exec-status property of an HP ALM TestCase resource." . oslc_hpqc:has-criteria a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "has-criteria" ; rdfs:comment "The has-criteria property of an HP ALM TestCase resource." . oslc_hpqc:template a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "template" ; rdfs:comment "The template property of an HP ALM TestCase resource." . oslc_hpqc:has-dependencies a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "has-dependencies" ; rdfs:comment "The has-dependencies property of an HP ALM TestCase resource." . oslc_hpqc:text-sync a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "text-sync" ; rdfs:comment "The text-sync property of an HP ALM TestCase resource." . oslc_hpqc:test-ver-stamp a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "test-ver-stamp" ; rdfs:comment "The test-ver-stamp property of an HP ALM TestCase resource." . oslc_hpqc:runtime-data a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "runtime-data" ; rdfs:comment "The runtime-data property of an HP ALM TestCase resource." . oslc_hpqc:configurations-count a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "configurations-count" ; rdfs:comment "The configurations-count property of an HP ALM TestCase resource." . oslc_qm:testPlan a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_qm: ; rdfs:label "testPlan" ; rdfs:comment "The related TestPlan of an HP ALM TestCase resource." ; rdfs:seeAlso . ### oslc_qm:TestPlan Properties oslc_hpqc:parent-id a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "parent-id" ; rdfs:comment "The parent-id property of an HP ALM TestPlan resource." . ### oslc_qm:TestExecutionRecord Properties oslc_hpqc:testOrder a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "parenttestOrder" ; rdfs:comment "The testOrder property of an HP ALM TestExecutionRecord resource." . oslc_hpqc:testInstance a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "testInstance" ; rdfs:comment "The related TestExecutionRecord of an HP ALM TestExecutionRecord or TestResult resource." ; rdfs:seeAlso . oslc_hpqc:executionDate a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "executionDate" ; rdfs:comment "The executionDate property of an HP ALM TestExecutionRecord or TestResult resource." . oslc_hpqc:testSet a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "testSet" ; rdfs:comment "The related TestSet of an HP ALM TestExecutionRecord resource." . oslc_hpqc:actualTester a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "actualTester" ; rdfs:comment "The actualTester property of an HP ALM TestExecutionRecord resource." . oslc_hpqc:subType a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "subType" ; rdfs:comment "The subType property of an HP ALM TestExecutionRecord or TestResult resource." . oslc_qm:status a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_qm: ; rdfs:label "status" ; rdfs:comment "The status property of an HP ALM TestExecutionRecord or TestResult entity." ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:seeAlso . oslc_qm:runsTestCase a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_qm: ; rdfs:label "runsTestCase" ; rdfs:comment "The related TestCase of an HP ALM TestCase resource." ; rdfs:seeAlso . ### oslc_qm:TestResult Properties oslc_qm:reportsOnTestCase a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_qm: ; rdfs:label "reportsOnTestCase" ; rdfs:comment "The related TestCase of an HP ALM TestResult resource." ; rdfs:seeAlso . oslc_qm:producedByTestExecutionRecord a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_qm: ; rdfs:label "producedByTestExecutionRecord" ; rdfs:comment "The related TestExecutionRecord of an HP ALM TestResult resource." ; rdfs:seeAlso . ### oslc_hpqc:TestSet Properties dcterms:modified a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy dcterms: ; rdfs:label "modified" ; rdfs:comment "The modified property of an HP ALM TestSet resource." . dcterms:title a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy dcterms: ; rdfs:label "title" ; rdfs:comment "The title property of an HP ALM TestSet resource." . dcterms:identifier a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy dcterms: ; rdfs:label "identifier" ; rdfs:comment "The identifier property of an HP ALM TestSet resource." . ### oslc_hpqc:User Properties foaf:nick a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy foaf: ; rdfs:label "nick" ; rdfs:comment "The nickname of an HP ALM User resource." . foaf:name a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy foaf: ; rdfs:label "name" ; rdfs:comment "The full name of an HP ALM User resource." . foaf:mbox a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy foaf: ; rdfs:label "mbox" ; rdfs:comment "The email address of an HP ALM User resource." . #oslc_hpqc:userAvatarCache # a rdf:Property ; # rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; # rdfs:label "userAvatarCache" ; # rdfs:comment "The userAvatarCache property of an HP ALM User resource." . #oslc_hpqc:description # a rdf:Property ; # rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; # rdfs:label "description" ; # rdfs:comment "The description property of an HP ALM User resource." . ### oslc_cm:ChangeRequest Properties oslc_hpqc:reproducible a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "reproducible" ; rdfs:comment "The reproducible property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:request-type a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "request-type" ; rdfs:comment "The request-type property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:planned-closing-ver a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "planned-closing-ver" ; rdfs:comment "The planned-closing-ver property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:project a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "project" ; rdfs:comment "The project property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:to-mail a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "to-mail" ; rdfs:comment "The to-mail property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:has-others-linkage a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "has-others-linkage" ; rdfs:comment "The has-others-linkage property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:request-server a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "request-server" ; rdfs:comment "The request-server property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:detected-in-rcyc a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "detected-in-rcyc" ; rdfs:comment "The detected-in-rcyc property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:bug-ver-stamp a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "bug-ver-stamp" ; rdfs:comment "The dbug-ver-stamp property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:detection-version a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "detection-version" ; rdfs:comment "The detection-version property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_cm:status a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_cm: ; rdfs:label "status" ; rdfs:comment "The status property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:seeAlso . oslc_hpqc:request-note a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "request-note" ; rdfs:comment "The request-note property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:target-rcyc a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "target-rcyc" ; rdfs:comment "The target-rcyc property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:extended-reference a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "extended-reference" ; rdfs:comment "The extended-reference property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:detected-in-rel a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "detected-in-rel" ; rdfs:comment "The detected-in-rel property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:has-linkage a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "has-linkage" ; rdfs:comment "The has-linkage property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:cycle-reference a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "cycle-reference" ; rdfs:comment "The cycle-reference property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:has-change a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "has-change" ; rdfs:comment "The has-change property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:closing-version a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "closing-version" ; rdfs:comment "The closing-version property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . oslc_hpqc:target-rel a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "target-rel" ; rdfs:comment "The target-rel property of an HP ALM ChangeRequest resource." . ### oslc_rm:Requirement Properties oslc_hpqc:rbt-custom-risk a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-custom-risk" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-custom-risk property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:father-name a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "father-name" ; rdfs:comment "The father-name property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:target-rel-varchar a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "target-rel-varchar" ; rdfs:comment "The target-rel-varchar property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-assessment-data a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-assessment-data" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-assessment-data property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-use-custom-fail-prob a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-use-custom-fail-prob" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-use-custom-fail-prob property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:request-note a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "request-note" ; rdfs:comment "The request-note property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:request-server a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "request-server" ; rdfs:comment "The request-server property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:request-updates a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "request-updates" ; rdfs:comment "The request-updates property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-risk a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-risk" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-risk property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:istemplate a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "istemplate" ; rdfs:comment "The istemplate property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-effective-bsns-impact a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-effective-bsns-impact" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-effective-bsns-impact property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-use-custom-bsns-impact a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-use-custom-bsns-impact" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-use-custom-bsns-impact property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-use-custom-func-cmplx a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-use-custom-func-cmplx" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-use-custom-func-cmplx property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-custom-testing-level a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-custom-testing-level" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-custom-testing-level property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:req-type a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "req-type" ; rdfs:comment "The req-type property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:req-time a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "req-time" ; rdfs:comment "The req-time property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-custom-bsns-impact a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-custom-bsns-impact" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-custom-bsns-impact property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:hierarchical-path a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "hierarchical-path" ; rdfs:comment "The hierarchical-path property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:request-status a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "request-status" ; rdfs:comment "The request-status property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:request-assign-to a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "request-assign-to" ; rdfs:comment "The request-assign-to property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:target-rcyc-varchar a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "target-rcyc-varchar" ; rdfs:comment "The target-rcyc-varchar property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:req-reviewed a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "req-reviewed" ; rdfs:comment "The req-reviewed property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:has-rich-content a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "has-rich-content" ; rdfs:comment "The has-rich-content property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-bsns-impact a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-bsns-impact" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-bsns-impact property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-analysis-setup-data a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-analysis-setup-data" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-analysis-setup-data property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-func-cmplx a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-func-cmplx" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-func-cmplx property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:comments a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "comments" ; rdfs:comment "The comments property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-ignore-in-analysis a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-ignore-in-analysis" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-ignore-in-analysis property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-effective-func-cmplx a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-effective-func-cmplx" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-effective-func-cmplx property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-use-custom-tl-and-te a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-use-custom-tl-and-te" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-use-custom-tl-and-te property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-use-custom-tl-and-te a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-use-custom-tl-and-te" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-use-custom-tl-and-te property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:req-priority a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "req-priority" ; rdfs:comment "The req-priority property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-testing-level a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-testing-level" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-testing-level property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-custom-func-cmplx a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-custom-func-cmplx" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-custom-func-cmplx property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-effective-fail-prob a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-effective-fail-prob" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-effective-fail-prob property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:req-product a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "req-product" ; rdfs:comment "The req-product property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-analysis-result-data a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-analysis-result-data" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-analysis-result-data property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:req-ver-stamp a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "req-ver-stamp" ; rdfs:comment "The req-ver-stamp property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:request-type a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "request-type" ; rdfs:comment "The request-type property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:no-of-sons a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "no-of-sons" ; rdfs:comment "The no-of-sons property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:req-rich-content a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "req-rich-content" ; rdfs:comment "The req-rich-content property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-effective-risk a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-effective-risk" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-effective-risk property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:type-id a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "type-id" ; rdfs:comment "The type-id property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:order-id a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "order-id" ; rdfs:comment "The order-id property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-custom-fail-prob a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-custom-fail-prob" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-custom-fail-prob property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-use-custom-risk a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-use-custom-risk" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-use-custom-risk property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . oslc_hpqc:rbt-fail-prob a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "rbt-fail-prob" ; rdfs:comment "The rbt-fail-prob property of an HP ALM Requirement resource." . ### oslc_rm:RequirementCollections Properties # oslc_hpqc:parentId, defined as common property @ 1.2 log @HP ALM Adapter (Turtle) @ text @d6 1 a6 1 @@prefix oslc_hpqc: . @ 1.1 log @HP ALM Adapter (Turtle) @ text @d34 1 a34 1 rdfs:comment "The OSLC QM TestCase resource defined by HP ALM" ; d41 1 a41 1 rdfs:comment "The OSLC QM TestPlan resource defined by HP ALM" ; d48 1 a48 1 rdfs:comment "The OSLC QM TestExecutionRecord resource defined by HP ALM" ; d55 1 a55 1 rdfs:comment "The OSLC QM TestResult resource defined by HP ALM" ; d64 1 a64 1 oslc_hpqc:User d66 4 a69 4 rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "User" ; rdfs:comment "The HP ALM User resource" . # rdfs:seeAlso . d75 1 a75 1 rdfs:comment "The OSLC CM ChangeRequest resource defined by HP ALM" ; d82 1 a82 1 rdfs:comment "The OSLC RM Requirement resource defined by HP ALM" ; d89 1 a89 1 rdfs:comment "The OSLC RM RequirementCollection resource defined by HP ALM" ; d394 11 a404 11 oslc_hpqc:userAvatarCache a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "userAvatarCache" ; rdfs:comment "The userAvatarCache property of an HP ALM User resource." . oslc_hpqc:description a rdf:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy oslc_hpqc: ; rdfs:label "description" ; rdfs:comment "The description property of an HP ALM User resource." . @