The Rational Rhapsody UML Metamodel.

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The namespace URI for this vocabulary is:

All vocabulary URIs defined in the Rhapsody UML namespace.

Label: Rhapsody UML

See Also:

This document lists the RDF classes, properties, and individuals that are defined by this vocabulary. Following W3C best practices, this vocabulary is available as HTML (this document) and as RDF source.

Details about how this document was generated, and other related material, can be found in the wiki article Publishing RDF Vocabularies on

Classes defined by this vocabulary(82):

AcceptEventAction, AcceptTimeEvent, ActivityAction, ActivityDiagramGE, ActivityFinal, Actor, Annotation, Association, AssociationEnd, Attribute, CallBehavior, CallOperation, Class, Class_Diagram, Classifier, Collaboration, CommunicationDiagram, ComponentDiagram, Condition, Connector, Constraint, ControlFlow, DecisionNode, DeepHistoryConnector, DefaultTransition, Dependency, DeploymentDiagram, Derivation, Enum, Event, Flow, FlowPort, Fork, Generalization, HistoryConnector, InitialFlow, InstanceSpecification, InstanceValue, Interface, InterfaceItem, InternalOperation, interruptibleRegion, Link, LiteralSpecification, MergeNode, ModelElement, Module, Object, ObjectFlow, ObjectModelDiagram, ObjectNode, ObjectValue, Operation, Package, PanelDiagram, Pin, Port, Project, Realization, Reception, ReferenceActivity, relation, Requirement, SequenceDiagram, ShallowHistoryConnector, State, Statechart, StatechartDiagram, StateSendAction, StaticBlock, Stereotype, StructureDiagram, SysMLPort, Tag, TimingDiagram, Transition, Type, UseCase, UseCaseDiagram, ValueSpecification, Variable, VeryAbstractDiagram

Properties defined by this vocabulary(120):

acceptEventAction-event, actor-actors, annotation-specification, annotation-specificationRTF, association-associationEnd1, association-associationEnd2, associationEnd-associationClass, attribute-visibility, callOperation-operation, callOperation-target, class-classes, classifier-associationEnds, classifier-associations, classifier-attributes, classifier-flows, classifier-generalizations, classifier-mainBehavior, classifier-operations, classifier-parts, classifier-ports, class-links, class-objectModelDiagrams, class-sequenceDiagrams, class-statecharts, class-structureDiagrams, class-types, communicationDiagram-logicalCollaboration, componentDiagram-defaultOwner, defaultTransition-ofState, dependency-dependsOn, flow-conveyed, flow-end1, flow-end1ObjectPort, flow-end2, flow-end2ObjectPort, generalization-general, instanceValue-value, internalOperation-isCtor, internalOperation-isDtor, internalOperation-isInline, internalOperation-isTrigger, internalOperation-raiseExceptions, internalOperation-returnType, internalOperation-returnTypes, internalOperation-sequenceDiagrams, internalOperation-visibility, link-fromObject, link-instantiates, link-toObject, literalSpecification-value, modelElement-constraints, modelElement-dependencies, modelElement-description, modelElement-label, modelElement-redefines, modelElement-requirements, modelElement-stereotypes, modelElement-tags, modelElement-templateInstance, modelElement-templateParameters, object-implicitClass, objectNode-inState, objectNode-representedElement, owner, package-actors, package-classes, package-collaborationDiagrams, package-componentDiagrams, package-containedStereotypes, package-deploymentDiagrams, package-events, package-files, package-functions, package-instanceSpecifications, package-links, package-objectModelDiagrams, package-objects, package-packages, package-panelDiagrams, package-sequenceDiagrams, package-structureDiagrams, package-timingDiagrams, package-types, package-useCaseDiagrams, package-useCases, package-variables, pin-corePin, pin-type, project-communicationDiagrams, project-componentDiagrams, project-deploymentDiagrams, project-objectModelDiagrams, project-packages, project-panelDiagrams, project-sequenceDiagrams, reception-event, referenceActivity-referencedActivity, relation-initialValue, relation-linkType, relation-multiplicity, relation-otherClass, requirement-requirementUserID, sequenceDiagram-logicalCollaboration, state-actionOnEntry, state-actionOnExit, statechart-connectors, statechart-diagram, statechart-rootState, statechart-states, statechart-transitions, statechart-views, state-defaultTransition, state-internalTransitions, state-nestedStateChart, tag-baseTag, useCase-diagrams, useCase-objectModelDiagrams, useCase-useCases, variable-myType, variable-type, variable-valueSpecifications

Individuals defined by this vocabulary(0):


Prefixes defined in this vocabulary:


Pre-defined standard prefixes:


AcceptEventAction is an RDF class.

AcceptEventAction is a sub-class of State

Status: stable

Label: AcceptEventAction

Type: rdfs:Class

acceptEventAction-event is an RDF property.

Event is one to many relation from AcceptEventAction to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Event in AcceptEventAction

Type: rdf:Property

AcceptTimeEvent is an RDF class.

AcceptTimeEvent is a sub-class of State

Status: stable

Label: AcceptTimeEvent

Type: rdfs:Class

ActivityAction is an RDF class.

Action is a sub-class of State

Status: stable

Label: Action

Type: rdfs:Class

ActivityDiagramGE is an RDF class.

ActivityDiagramGE is a sub-class of StatechartDiagram

Status: stable

Label: ActivityDiagramGE

Type: rdfs:Class

ActivityFinal is an RDF class.

ActivityFinal is a sub-class of State

Status: stable

Label: ActivityFinal

Type: rdfs:Class

Actor is an RDF class.

Actor is a sub-class of Class

Status: stable

Label: Actor

Type: rdfs:Class

actor-actors is an RDF property.

Actors is a container of Actor types owned by Actor

Status: stable

Label: Actors in Actor

Type: rdf:Property

Annotation is an RDF class.

Annotation is a sub-class of IUnit

Status: stable

Label: Annotation

Type: rdfs:Class

annotation-specification is an RDF property.

Specification included in Annotation

Status: stable

Label: Specification in Annotation

Type: rdf:Property

See Also:

annotation-specificationRTF is an RDF property.

Specification as RTF included in Annotation

Status: archaic

Label: Specification as RTF in Annotation

Association is an RDF class.

Association is a sub-class of Class

Status: stable

Label: Association

Type: rdfs:Class

association-associationEnd1 is an RDF property.

AssociationEnd1 is one to many relation from Association to AssociationEnd

Status: stable

Label: AssociationEnd1 in Association

Type: rdf:Property

association-associationEnd2 is an RDF property.

AssociationEnd2 is one to many relation from Association to AssociationEnd

Status: stable

Label: AssociationEnd2 in Association

Type: rdf:Property

AssociationEnd is an RDF class.

AssociationEnd is a sub-class of relation

Status: stable

Label: AssociationEnd

Type: rdfs:Class

associationEnd-associationClass is an RDF property.

AssociationClass is one to many relation from AssociationEnd to Association

Status: stable

Label: AssociationClass in AssociationEnd

Type: rdf:Property

Attribute is an RDF class.

Attribute is a sub-class of Variable

Status: stable

Label: Attribute

Type: rdfs:Class

attribute-visibility is an RDF property.

Visibility is one to one relation from Attribute to attribute-visibility_Kind

Status: stable

Label: Visibility in Attribute

Type: rdf:Property

CallBehavior is an RDF class.

CallBehavior is a sub-class of ReferenceActivity

Status: stable

Label: CallBehavior

Type: rdfs:Class

CallOperation is an RDF class.

CallOperation is a sub-class of State

Status: stable

Label: CallOperation

Type: rdfs:Class

callOperation-operation is an RDF property.

Operation is one to many relation from CallOperation to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Operation in CallOperation

Type: rdf:Property

callOperation-target is an RDF property.

Target is one to many relation from CallOperation to relation

Status: stable

Label: Target in CallOperation

Type: rdf:Property

Class is an RDF class.

Class is a sub-class of Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Class

Type: rdfs:Class

Class_Diagram is an RDF class.

Class Diagram is a sub-class of ObjectModelDiagram

Status: stable

Label: Class Diagram

Type: rdfs:Class

class-classes is an RDF property.

Classes is a container of Class types owned by Class

Status: stable

Label: Classes in Class

Type: rdf:Property

Classifier is an RDF class.

Classifier is a sub-class of IUnit

Status: stable

Label: Classifier

Type: rdfs:Class

classifier-associationEnds is an RDF property.

AssociationEnds is a container of relation types owned by Classifier

Status: stable

Label: AssociationEnds in Classifier

Type: rdf:Property

classifier-associations is an RDF property.

Associations is a container of Association types owned by Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Associations in Classifier

Type: rdf:Property

classifier-attributes is an RDF property.

Attributes is a container of Attribute types owned by Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Attributes in Classifier

Type: rdf:Property

classifier-flows is an RDF property.

Flows is a container of Flow types owned by Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Flows in Classifier

Type: rdf:Property

classifier-generalizations is an RDF property.

Generalizations is a container of Generalization types owned by Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Generalizations in Classifier

Type: rdf:Property

classifier-mainBehavior is an RDF property.

MainBehavior is one to many relation from Classifier to Statechart

Status: stable

Label: MainBehavior in Classifier

Type: rdf:Property

classifier-operations is an RDF property.

Operations is a container of InterfaceItem types owned by Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Operations in Classifier

Type: rdf:Property

classifier-parts is an RDF property.

Parts is a container of Object types owned by Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Parts in Classifier

Type: rdf:Property

classifier-ports is an RDF property.

Ports is a container of Port types owned by Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Ports in Classifier

Type: rdf:Property is an RDF property.

Links is a container of Link types owned by Class

Status: stable

Label: Links in Class

Type: rdf:Property

class-objectModelDiagrams is an RDF property.

ObjectModelDiagrams is a container of ObjectModelDiagram types owned by Class

Status: stable

Label: ObjectModelDiagrams in Class

Type: rdf:Property

class-sequenceDiagrams is an RDF property.

SequenceDiagrams is a container of SequenceDiagram types owned by Class

Status: stable

Label: SequenceDiagrams in Class

Type: rdf:Property

class-statecharts is an RDF property.

Statecharts is a container of Statechart types owned by Class

Status: stable

Label: Statecharts in Class

Type: rdf:Property

class-structureDiagrams is an RDF property.

StructureDiagrams is a container of StructureDiagram types owned by Class

Status: stable

Label: StructureDiagrams in Class

Type: rdf:Property

class-types is an RDF property.

Types is a container of Type types owned by Class

Status: stable

Label: Types in Class

Type: rdf:Property

Collaboration is an RDF class.

Collaboration is a sub-class of ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Collaboration

Type: rdfs:Class

CommunicationDiagram is an RDF class.

Communication Diagram is a sub-class of AbstractDiagram

Status: stable

Label: Communication Diagram

Type: rdfs:Class

communicationDiagram-logicalCollaboration is an RDF property.

LogicalCollaboration is a container of Collaboration types owned by Communication Diagram

Status: stable

Label: LogicalCollaboration in Communication Diagram

Type: rdf:Property

ComponentDiagram is an RDF class.

ComponentDiagram is a sub-class of AbstractDiagram

Status: stable

Label: ComponentDiagram

Type: rdfs:Class

componentDiagram-defaultOwner is an RDF property.

DefaultOwner is one to many relation from ComponentDiagram to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: DefaultOwner in ComponentDiagram

Type: rdf:Property

Condition is an RDF class.

Condition is a sub-class of Connector

Status: stable

Label: Condition

Type: rdfs:Class

Connector is an RDF class.

Connector is a sub-class of SCNode

Status: stable

Label: Connector

Type: rdfs:Class

Constraint is an RDF class.

Constraint is a sub-class of Annotation

Status: stable

Label: Constraint

Type: rdfs:Class

ControlFlow is an RDF class.

ControlFlow is a sub-class of Transition

Status: stable

Label: ControlFlow

Type: rdfs:Class

DecisionNode is an RDF class.

DecisionNode is a sub-class of Condition

Status: stable

Label: DecisionNode

Type: rdfs:Class

DeepHistoryConnector is an RDF class.

DeepHistoryConnector is a sub-class of HistoryConnector

Status: stable

Label: DeepHistoryConnector

Type: rdfs:Class

DefaultTransition is an RDF class.

DefaultTransition is a sub-class of Transition

Status: stable

Label: DefaultTransition

Type: rdfs:Class

defaultTransition-ofState is an RDF property.

OfState is one to many relation from DefaultTransition to State

Status: stable

Label: OfState in DefaultTransition

Type: rdf:Property

Dependency is an RDF class.

Dependency is a sub-class of AbstructDependency

Status: stable

Label: Dependency

Type: rdfs:Class

dependency-dependsOn is an RDF property.

DependsOn is one to many relation from Dependency to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: DependsOn in Dependency

Type: rdf:Property

DeploymentDiagram is an RDF class.

DeploymentDiagram is a sub-class of AbstractDiagram

Status: stable

Label: DeploymentDiagram

Type: rdfs:Class

Derivation is an RDF class.

Derivation is a sub-class of Dependency

Status: stable

Label: Derivation

Type: rdfs:Class

Enum is an RDF class.

Enum is a sub-class of Class

Status: stable

Label: Enum

Type: rdfs:Class

Event is an RDF class.

Event is a sub-class of InterfaceItem

Status: stable

Label: Event

Type: rdfs:Class

Flow is an RDF class.

Flow is a sub-class of ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Flow

Type: rdfs:Class

flow-conveyed is an RDF property.

Conveyed is one to many relation from Flow to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Conveyed in Flow

Type: rdf:Property

flow-end1 is an RDF property.

End1 is one to many relation from Flow to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: End1 in Flow

Type: rdf:Property

flow-end1ObjectPort is an RDF property.

End1ObjectPort is one to many relation from Flow to Port

Status: stable

Label: End1ObjectPort in Flow

Type: rdf:Property

flow-end2 is an RDF property.

End2 is one to many relation from Flow to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: End2 in Flow

Type: rdf:Property

flow-end2ObjectPort is an RDF property.

End2ObjectPort is one to many relation from Flow to Port

Status: stable

Label: End2ObjectPort in Flow

Type: rdf:Property

FlowPort is an RDF class.

FlowPort is a sub-class of SysMLPort

Status: stable

Label: FlowPort

Type: rdfs:Class

Fork is an RDF class.

Fork is a sub-class of Connector

Status: stable

Label: Fork

Type: rdfs:Class

Generalization is an RDF class.

Generalization is a sub-class of AbstructDependency

Status: stable

Label: Generalization

Type: rdfs:Class

generalization-general is an RDF property.

Super Class is one to many relation from Generalization to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Super Class in Generalization

Type: rdf:Property

HistoryConnector is an RDF class.

HistoryConnector is a sub-class of Connector

Status: stable

Label: HistoryConnector

Type: rdfs:Class

InitialFlow is an RDF class.

Initial Flow is a sub-class of DefaultTransition

Status: stable

Label: Initial Flow

Type: rdfs:Class

InstanceSpecification is an RDF class.

InstanceSpecification is a sub-class of ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: InstanceSpecification

Type: rdfs:Class

InstanceValue is an RDF class.

InstanceValue is a sub-class of ValueSpecification

Status: stable

Label: InstanceValue

Type: rdfs:Class

instanceValue-value is an RDF property.

Value (instance) is one to many relation from ValueSpecification to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Value (instance) in ValueSpecification

Type: rdf:Property

Interface is an RDF class.

Interface is a sub-class of Class

Status: stable

Label: Interface

Type: rdfs:Class

InterfaceItem is an RDF class.

InterfaceItem is a sub-class of Classifier

Status: stable

Label: InterfaceItem

Type: rdfs:Class

InternalOperation is an RDF class.

InternalOperation is a sub-class of InterfaceItem

Status: stable

Label: InternalOperation

Type: rdfs:Class

internalOperation-isCtor is an RDF property.

Constructor included in InternalOperation

Status: stable

Label: Constructor in InternalOperation

Type: rdf:Property

internalOperation-isDtor is an RDF property.

Destructor included in InternalOperation

Status: stable

Label: Destructor in InternalOperation

Type: rdf:Property

internalOperation-isInline is an RDF property.

Inline included in InternalOperation

Status: stable

Label: Inline in InternalOperation

Type: rdf:Property

internalOperation-isTrigger is an RDF property.

Trigger included in InternalOperation

Status: stable

Label: Trigger in InternalOperation

Type: rdf:Property

internalOperation-raiseExceptions is an RDF property.

RaiseExceptions is a container of Classifier types owned by InternalOperation

Status: stable

Label: RaiseExceptions in InternalOperation

Type: rdf:Property

internalOperation-returnType is an RDF property.

ReturnType is one to many relation from InternalOperation to Classifier

Status: stable

Label: ReturnType in InternalOperation

Type: rdf:Property

internalOperation-returnTypes is an RDF property.

ReturnTypes is a container of Classifier types owned by InternalOperation

Status: stable

Label: ReturnTypes in InternalOperation

Type: rdf:Property

internalOperation-sequenceDiagrams is an RDF property.

SequenceDiagrams is a container of SequenceDiagram types owned by InternalOperation

Status: stable

Label: SequenceDiagrams in InternalOperation

Type: rdf:Property

internalOperation-visibility is an RDF property.

Visibility is one to one relation from InternalOperation to internalOperation-visibility_Kind

Status: stable

Label: Visibility in InternalOperation

Type: rdf:Property

interruptibleRegion is an RDF class.

InterruptibleRegion is a sub-class of State

Status: stable

Label: InterruptibleRegion

Type: rdfs:Class is an RDF class.

Link is a sub-class of IUnit

Status: stable

Label: Link

Type: rdfs:Class is an RDF property.

FromObject is one to many relation from Link to Object

Status: stable

Label: FromObject in Link

Type: rdf:Property is an RDF property.

Instantiates is one to many relation from Link to relation

Status: stable

Label: Instantiates in Link

Type: rdf:Property is an RDF property.

ToObject is one to many relation from Link to Object

Status: stable

Label: ToObject in Link

Type: rdf:Property

LiteralSpecification is an RDF class.

LiteralSpecification is a sub-class of ValueSpecification

Status: stable

Label: LiteralSpecification

Type: rdfs:Class

literalSpecification-value is an RDF property.

Value (literal) included in ValueSpecification

Status: stable

Label: Value (literal) in ValueSpecification

Type: rdf:Property

MergeNode is an RDF class.

MergeNode is a sub-class of Connector

Status: stable

Label: MergeNode

Type: rdfs:Class

ModelElement is an RDF class.


Status: stable

Label: ModelElement

Type: rdfs:Class

modelElement-constraints is an RDF property.

Constraints is a container of Constraint types owned by ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Constraints in ModelElement

Type: rdf:Property

modelElement-dependencies is an RDF property.

Dependencies is a container of Dependency types owned by ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Dependencies in ModelElement

Type: rdf:Property

modelElement-description is an RDF property.

Description included in ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Description in ModelElement

Type: rdf:Property

modelElement-label is an RDF property.

Label included in ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Label in ModelElement

Type: rdf:Property

modelElement-redefines is an RDF property.

Redefines is one to many relation from ModelElement to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Redefines in ModelElement

Type: rdf:Property

modelElement-requirements is an RDF property.

Requirements is a container of Requirement types owned by ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Requirements in ModelElement

Type: rdf:Property

modelElement-stereotypes is an RDF property.

Stereotypes is one to many relation from ModelElement to Stereotype

Status: stable

Label: Stereotypes in ModelElement

Type: rdf:Property

modelElement-tags is an RDF property.

Tags is a container of Tag types owned by ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Tags in ModelElement

Type: rdf:Property

modelElement-templateInstance is an RDF property.

TemplateInstance is a container of ModelElement types owned by ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: TemplateInstance in ModelElement

Type: rdf:Property

modelElement-templateParameters is an RDF property.

TemplateParameters is a container of ModelElement types owned by ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: TemplateParameters in ModelElement

Type: rdf:Property

Module is an RDF class.

Module is a sub-class of Object

Status: stable

Label: Module

Type: rdfs:Class

Object is an RDF class.

Object is a sub-class of relation

Status: stable

Label: Object

Type: rdfs:Class

ObjectFlow is an RDF class.

ObjectFlow is a sub-class of Transition

Status: stable

Label: ObjectFlow

Type: rdfs:Class

object-implicitClass is an RDF property.

ImplicitClass is a container of Class types owned by Object

Status: stable

Label: ImplicitClass in Object

Type: rdf:Property

ObjectModelDiagram is an RDF class.

ObjectModelDiagram is a sub-class of AbstractDiagram

Status: stable

Label: ObjectModelDiagram

Type: rdfs:Class

ObjectNode is an RDF class.

ObjectNode is a sub-class of State

Status: stable

Label: ObjectNode

Type: rdfs:Class

objectNode-inState is an RDF property.

InState is one to many relation from ObjectNode to State

Status: stable

Label: InState in ObjectNode

Type: rdf:Property

objectNode-representedElement is an RDF property.

RepresentedElement is one to many relation from ObjectNode to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: RepresentedElement in ObjectNode

Type: rdf:Property

ObjectValue is an RDF class.

ObjectValue is a sub-class of Dependency

Status: stable

Label: ObjectValue

Type: rdfs:Class

Operation is an RDF class.

Operation is a sub-class of InternalOperation

Status: stable

Label: Operation

Type: rdfs:Class

owner is an RDF property.

owner is one to many relation from ModelElement to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: owner in ModelElement

Type: rdf:Property

Package is an RDF class.

Package is a sub-class of Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Package

Type: rdfs:Class

package-actors is an RDF property.

Actors is a container of Actor types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: Actors in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-classes is an RDF property.

Classes is a container of Class types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: Classes in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-collaborationDiagrams is an RDF property.

CollaborationDiagrams is a container of Communication Diagram types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: CollaborationDiagrams in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-componentDiagrams is an RDF property.

ComponentDiagrams is a container of ComponentDiagram types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: ComponentDiagrams in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-containedStereotypes is an RDF property.

ContainedStereotypes is a container of Stereotype types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: ContainedStereotypes in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-deploymentDiagrams is an RDF property.

DeploymentDiagrams is a container of DeploymentDiagram types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: DeploymentDiagrams in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-events is an RDF property.

Events is a container of Event types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: Events in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-files is an RDF property.

Files is a container of Module types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: Files in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-functions is an RDF property.

Functions is a container of Operation types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: Functions in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-instanceSpecifications is an RDF property.

InstanceSpecifications is a container of InstanceSpecification types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: InstanceSpecifications in Package

Type: rdf:Property is an RDF property.

Links is a container of Link types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: Links in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-objectModelDiagrams is an RDF property.

ObjectModelDiagrams is a container of ObjectModelDiagram types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: ObjectModelDiagrams in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-objects is an RDF property.

Objects is a container of Object types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: Objects in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-packages is an RDF property.

Packages is a container of Package types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: Packages in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-panelDiagrams is an RDF property.

PanelDiagrams is a container of PanelDiagram types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: PanelDiagrams in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-sequenceDiagrams is an RDF property.

SequenceDiagrams is a container of SequenceDiagram types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: SequenceDiagrams in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-structureDiagrams is an RDF property.

StructureDiagrams is a container of StructureDiagram types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: StructureDiagrams in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-timingDiagrams is an RDF property.

TimingDiagrams is a container of Timing Diagram types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: TimingDiagrams in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-types is an RDF property.

Types is a container of Type types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: Types in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-useCaseDiagrams is an RDF property.

UseCaseDiagrams is a container of UseCaseDiagram types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: UseCaseDiagrams in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-useCases is an RDF property.

UseCases is a container of UseCase types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: UseCases in Package

Type: rdf:Property

package-variables is an RDF property.

Variables is a container of Attribute types owned by Package

Status: stable

Label: Variables in Package

Type: rdf:Property

PanelDiagram is an RDF class.

PanelDiagram is a sub-class of AbstractDiagram

Status: stable

Label: PanelDiagram

Type: rdfs:Class

Pin is an RDF class.

Pin is a sub-class of Connector

Status: stable

Label: Pin

Type: rdfs:Class

pin-corePin is an RDF property.

CorePin is one to many relation from Pin to Pin

Status: stable

Label: CorePin in Pin

Type: rdf:Property

pin-type is an RDF property.

Type is one to many relation from Pin to Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Type in Pin

Type: rdf:Property

Port is an RDF class.

Port is a sub-class of AbstractPort

Status: stable

Label: Port

Type: rdfs:Class

Project is an RDF class.

Project is a sub-class of IUnit

Status: stable

Label: Project

Type: rdfs:Class

project-communicationDiagrams is an RDF property.

CommunicationDiagrams is a container of Communication Diagram types owned by Project

Status: stable

Label: CommunicationDiagrams in Project

Type: rdf:Property

project-componentDiagrams is an RDF property.

ComponentDiagrams is a container of ComponentDiagram types owned by Project

Status: stable

Label: ComponentDiagrams in Project

Type: rdf:Property

project-deploymentDiagrams is an RDF property.

DeploymentDiagrams is a container of DeploymentDiagram types owned by Project

Status: stable

Label: DeploymentDiagrams in Project

Type: rdf:Property

project-objectModelDiagrams is an RDF property.

ObjectModelDiagrams is a container of ObjectModelDiagram types owned by Project

Status: stable

Label: ObjectModelDiagrams in Project

Type: rdf:Property

project-packages is an RDF property.

Packages is a container of Package types owned by Project

Status: stable

Label: Packages in Project

Type: rdf:Property

project-panelDiagrams is an RDF property.

PanelDiagrams is a container of PanelDiagram types owned by Project

Status: stable

Label: PanelDiagrams in Project

Type: rdf:Property

project-sequenceDiagrams is an RDF property.

SequenceDiagrams is a container of SequenceDiagram types owned by Project

Status: stable

Label: SequenceDiagrams in Project

Type: rdf:Property

Realization is an RDF class.

Realization is a sub-class of Generalization

Status: stable

Label: Realization

Type: rdfs:Class

Reception is an RDF class.

Reception is a sub-class of InterfaceItem

Status: stable

Label: Reception

Type: rdfs:Class

reception-event is an RDF property.

Event is one to many relation from Reception to Event

Status: stable

Label: Event in Reception

Type: rdf:Property

ReferenceActivity is an RDF class.

ReferenceActivity is a sub-class of State

Status: stable

Label: ReferenceActivity

Type: rdfs:Class

referenceActivity-referencedActivity is an RDF property.

ReferencedActivity is one to many relation from ReferenceActivity to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: ReferencedActivity in ReferenceActivity

Type: rdf:Property

relation is an RDF class.

relation is a sub-class of IUnit

Status: stable

Label: relation

Type: rdfs:Class

relation-initialValue is an RDF property.

Value included in relation

Status: stable

Label: Value in relation

Type: rdf:Property

relation-linkType is an RDF property.

Link Type is one to one relation from relation to relation-linkType_Kind

Status: stable

Label: Link Type in AssociationEnd, Link Type in relation

Type: rdf:Property

relation-multiplicity is an RDF property.

Multiplicity included in relation

Status: stable

Label: Multiplicity in relation

Type: rdf:Property

relation-otherClass is an RDF property.

OtherClass is one to many relation from relation to Classifier

Status: stable

Label: OtherClass in relation

Type: rdf:Property

Requirement is an RDF class.

Requirement is a sub-class of Annotation

Status: stable

Label: Requirement

Type: rdfs:Class

requirement-requirementUserID is an RDF property.

Requirement User ID included in Requirement

Status: stable

Label: Requirement User ID in Requirement

Type: rdf:Property

SequenceDiagram is an RDF class.

SequenceDiagram is a sub-class of AbstractDiagram

Status: stable

Label: SequenceDiagram

Type: rdfs:Class

sequenceDiagram-logicalCollaboration is an RDF property.

LogicalCollaboration is a container of Collaboration types owned by SequenceDiagram

Status: stable

Label: LogicalCollaboration in SequenceDiagram

Type: rdf:Property

ShallowHistoryConnector is an RDF class.

ShallowHistoryConnector is a sub-class of HistoryConnector

Status: stable

Label: ShallowHistoryConnector

Type: rdfs:Class

State is an RDF class.

State is a sub-class of SCNode

Status: stable

Label: State

Type: rdfs:Class

state-actionOnEntry is an RDF property.

Action On Entry included in State

Status: stable

Label: Action On Entry in State

Type: rdf:Property

state-actionOnExit is an RDF property.

Action On Exit included in State

Status: stable

Label: Action On Exit in State

Type: rdf:Property

Statechart is an RDF class.

Statechart is a sub-class of Class

Status: stable

Label: Statechart

Type: rdfs:Class

statechart-connectors is an RDF property.

Connectors is a container of Connector types owned by Statechart

Status: stable

Label: Connectors in Statechart

Type: rdf:Property

StatechartDiagram is an RDF class.

StatechartDiagram is a sub-class of VeryAbstractDiagram

Status: stable

Label: StatechartDiagram

Type: rdfs:Class

statechart-diagram is an RDF property.

Diagram is one to many relation from Statechart to ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: Diagram in Statechart

Type: rdf:Property

statechart-rootState is an RDF property.

RootState is one to many relation from Statechart to State

Status: stable

Label: RootState in Statechart

Type: rdf:Property

statechart-states is an RDF property.

States is a container of State types owned by Statechart

Status: stable

Label: States in Statechart

Type: rdf:Property

statechart-transitions is an RDF property.

Transitions is a container of Transition types owned by Statechart

Status: stable

Label: Transitions in Statechart

Type: rdf:Property

statechart-views is an RDF property.

Views is a container of StatechartDiagram types owned by Statechart

Status: stable

Label: Views in Statechart

Type: rdf:Property

state-defaultTransition is an RDF property.

DefaultTransition is one to many relation from State to DefaultTransition

Status: stable

Label: DefaultTransition in State

Type: rdf:Property

state-internalTransitions is an RDF property.

Internal Transitions is one to many relation from State to Transition

Status: stable

Label: Internal Transitions in State

Type: rdf:Property

state-nestedStateChart is an RDF property.

NestedStateChart is a container of Statechart types owned by State

Status: stable

Label: NestedStateChart in State

Type: rdf:Property

StateSendAction is an RDF class.

StateSendAction is a sub-class of State

Status: stable

Label: StateSendAction

Type: rdfs:Class

StaticBlock is an RDF class.

StaticBlock is a sub-class of Operation

Status: stable

Label: StaticBlock

Type: rdfs:Class

Stereotype is an RDF class.

Stereotype is a sub-class of Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Stereotype

Type: rdfs:Class

StructureDiagram is an RDF class.

StructureDiagram is a sub-class of ObjectModelDiagram

Status: stable

Label: StructureDiagram

Type: rdfs:Class

SysMLPort is an RDF class.

SysMLPort is a sub-class of AbstractPort

Status: stable

Label: SysMLPort

Type: rdfs:Class

Tag is an RDF class.

Tag is a sub-class of Variable

Status: stable

Label: Tag

Type: rdfs:Class

tag-baseTag is an RDF property.

BaseTag is one to many relation from Tag to Tag

Status: stable

Label: BaseTag in Tag

Type: rdf:Property

TimingDiagram is an RDF class.

Timing Diagram is a sub-class of SequenceDiagram

Status: stable

Label: Timing Diagram

Type: rdfs:Class

Transition is an RDF class.

Transition is a sub-class of ISILow

Status: stable

Label: Transition

Type: rdfs:Class

Type is an RDF class.

Type is a sub-class of Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Type

Type: rdfs:Class

UseCase is an RDF class.

UseCase is a sub-class of Class

Status: stable

Label: UseCase

Type: rdfs:Class

UseCaseDiagram is an RDF class.

UseCaseDiagram is a sub-class of AbstractDiagram

Status: stable

Label: UseCaseDiagram

Type: rdfs:Class

useCase-diagrams is an RDF property.

Referenced Sequence Diagrams is a container of VeryAbstractDiagram types owned by UseCase

Status: stable

Label: Referenced Sequence Diagrams in UseCase

Type: rdf:Property

useCase-objectModelDiagrams is an RDF property.

ObjectModelDiagrams is a container of ObjectModelDiagram types owned by UseCase

Status: stable

Label: ObjectModelDiagrams in UseCase

Type: rdf:Property

useCase-useCases is an RDF property.

UseCases is a container of UseCase types owned by UseCase

Status: stable

Label: UseCases in UseCase

Type: rdf:Property

ValueSpecification is an RDF class.

ValueSpecification is a sub-class of ModelElement

Status: stable

Label: ValueSpecification

Type: rdfs:Class

Variable is an RDF class.

Variable is a sub-class of IUnit

Status: stable

Label: Variable

Type: rdfs:Class

variable-myType is an RDF property.

MyType is a container of Classifier types owned by Variable

Status: stable

Label: MyType in Variable

Type: rdf:Property

variable-type is an RDF property.

Type is one to many relation from Variable to Classifier

Status: stable

Label: Type in Variable

Type: rdf:Property

variable-valueSpecifications is an RDF property.

ValueSpecifications is a container of ValueSpecification types owned by Variable

Status: stable

Label: ValueSpecifications in Variable

Type: rdf:Property

VeryAbstractDiagram is an RDF class.

VeryAbstractDiagram is a sub-class of IUnit

Status: stable

Label: VeryAbstractDiagram

Type: rdfs:Class