Focal Point Linked Data Element Example

The URI of the 002:Tsunami 1.1 element resource in the Projects module of the Estimation and Measurement workspace on my machine is


Here is an example element resource in XML format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   xmlns:fp="" xmlns:xsi=""
      <ns:ID writable="false">
         <ns:uniqueId value="002"></ns:uniqueId>
      <ns:Title writable="true">
            <fp:textValue>Tsunami 1.1</fp:textValue>
            <fp:formattedTextValue>Tsunami 1.1</fp:formattedTextValue>
      <ns:Description writable="true">
            <fp:textValue>This is a major enhancement of Tsunami 1.0. It
               supports real-time collaboration. Two or more remote players can
               work together to solve a puzzle.
            <fp:formattedTextValue>This is a major enhancement of Tsunami 1.0.
               It supports real-time collaboration. Two or more remote players can
               work together to solve a puzzle.&lt;BR&gt;</fp:formattedTextValue>
      <ns:type_is_a_folder writable="true">
         <ns:checkBox value="false" text="No"></ns:checkBox>
         <ns:checkBox value="true" text="Yes"></ns:checkBox>
      <ns:Element_Information writable="false"></ns:Element_Information>
      <ns:Owner writable="true">
         <ns:linkValue title="Admin"></ns:linkValue>
      <ns:Creator writable="false">
         <ns:linkValue title="Admin"></ns:linkValue>
      <ns:Created_Date writable="false">
         <ns:date value="2011-04-28T08:17:28-04:00"></ns:date>
      <ns:Last_Changed_By writable="false">
         <ns:linkValue title="Admin"></ns:linkValue>
      <ns:Last_Changed_Date writable="false">
         <ns:date value="2011-04-28T16:21:49-04:00"></ns:date>
      <ns:Parent_Folder writable="true">
         <ns:linkValue title="Projects">
      <ns:isClosed writable="true">
         <ns:checkBox value="false" text="No"></ns:checkBox>


Here is the generic RDF Turtle representation.

@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix fps: <> .

@base <> .

   a fps:Element ;
   dcterms:title "002:Tsunami 1.1" ;
   dcterms:identifier "94c67a7c-5cdf-4952-b1ea-e6fe7cfc83d2" ;
   fps:elementTypeName "Project" ;
   fps:mspLink <> ;
   fps:htmlLink <,16> ;
      <223> , <224> , <225> , <226> , <227> , <228> , <229> ,
      <230> , <231> , <232> , <233> , <234> , <235> .
   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "ID" ;
   dcterms:identifier "14445207-2b8b-491e-bcc5-e7c7f5f05c10" ;
   fps:writeable false ;
   rdf:value <223#uniqueid> .
   a fps:UniqueId ; 
   fps:value "002" .

   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "Title" ;
   dcterms:identifier "5681e8f9-e886-4d4c-98a3-bd0650376182" ;
   fps:writeable true ;
   rdf:value <224#text> .

   a fps:Text ;
   fps:text """Tsunami 1.1""" ;
   fps:value """<span xmlns=''>Tsunami 1.1</span>"""^^rdf:XMLLiteral .

   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "Description" ;
   dcterms:identifier "80197a6d-c5bc-4277-a97d-7e69a1b151c0" ;
   fps:writeable true ;
   rdf:value <225#text> .

   a fps:Text ;
   fps:text """This is a major enhancement of Tsunami 1.0. It
            supports real-time collaboration. Two or more remote players can
            work together to solve a puzzle.
""" ;
   fps:value """<div xmlns=''>This is a major enhancement of Tsunami 1.0.
            It supports real-time collaboration. Two or more remote players can
            work together to solve a puzzle.<br /></div>"""^^rdf:XMLLiteral .

   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "type_is_a_folder" ;
   dcterms:identifier "6d4a5ac7-5a3b-4676-895c-c81b059a9fcb" ;
   fps:writable true;
   rdf:value <226#checkbox> .

   a fps:CheckBox ;
   fps:value false ;
   fps:text "No" .

   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "check_boxes_are_selected_in_the_chart" ;
   dcterms:identifier "288ef792-7384-4b23-8ed1-4dadb8b76e9c" ;
   fps:writable true ;
   rdf:value <227#checkbox> .

   a fps:CheckBox ;
   fps:value true ;
   fps:text "Yes" .

   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "Element_Information" ;
   fps:writable false ;
   rdf:value <228#heading> .
   a fps:Heading .

   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "Owner" ;
   dcterms:identifier "1a10f595-7bd2-4b59-81c1-99c7cf517f55" ;
   fps:writable true ;
   rdf:value <229#link> .
   a fps:Link ;
   fps:value <> .
   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "Creator" ;
   dcterms:identifier "b6ad1fcd-bc70-49f3-a5e3-1ca08e885a40" ;
   fps:writeable false ;
   rdf:value <230#link> .

   a fps:Link ;
   fps:value <> .
   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "Created_Date" ;
   dcterms:identifier "8db6b8cc-0cc3-416d-8463-31bbe6ff401d" ;
   fps:writable false ;
   rdf:value <231#date> .

   a fps:Date ;
   fps:value "2011-04-28T08:17:28-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime .
   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "Last_Changed_By" ;
   dcterms:identifier "3649c591-1358-4424-960b-32f3aaadfbe5" ;
   fps:writable false ;
   rdf:value <232#link> .

   a fps:Link ;
   fps:value <> .
   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "Last_Changed_Date" ;
   dcterms:identifier "91ab52c6-e213-4596-84b3-ce30f76e68cf" ;
   fps:writable false ;
   rdf:value <233#date> .

   a fps:Date ;
   fps:value "2011-04-28T16:21:49-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime .

   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "Parent_Folder" ;
   dcterms:identifier "728a8272-6bc6-4f24-be68-f7f21de00a16" ;
   fps:writable true ;
   rdf:value <234#link> .

   a fps:Link ;
   fps:value <> .

   a fps:Attribute ;
   fps:attributeName "isClosed" ;
   dcterms:identifier "8e70dbf3-6fcb-43fa-9faf-3e4ac92c13b7" ;
   fps:writable true ;
   rdf:value <235#checkbox> .

   a fps:CheckBox ;
   fps:value false ; 
   fps:text "No" .

This topic: LinkedData > FocalPointVocabulary > FPLinkedData > FPLinkedDataElementExample
History: r5 - 2014-02-22 - 17:10:53 - Main.ryman
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