Why can't I create an OSLC link between a Rational Quality Manager or Rational Team Concert artifact and a Rational DOORS object?

Authors: IntegrationsTroubleshootingTeam
Build basis: CLM 4.x and later, Rational DOORS 9.3 and later as supported

This page covers debugging problems creating links from IBM Rational Quality Manager (RQM) and IBM Rational Team Concert (RTC) to IBM Rational DOORS. While there is some overlap, issues creating links from Rational DOORS to RQM and RTC will be covered separately. The link model used with Design Management and IBM Rational Requirements Composer (RRC) is different and hence that is also not covered here, though again there is overlap.

Initial assessment

  • What error is seen?
  • Is it failing for all users?
  • Has it ever worked?
  • Is it failing for all possible link types?
  • In which tool is it failing?


  • A link from RTC or RQM is not created. The effect is, when looking at a work item or a test case, the related Rational DOORS requirement is not seen and no hover over is possible.
  • A backlink from Rational DOORS to RTC or RQM is not created. In this case, the link is there in RTC or RQM and the users in those tools can see the related requirement. However the users in Rational DOORS have no knowledge the link exists. For example, they may not see the Rational DOORS requirement is linked to a RTC work item or RQM test case.


This may impact all users

Data gathering and subsequent analysis steps

Firebug can be useful if no error is seen in the web browser. It can show what requests it is sending to Rational DOORS Web Access and what responses are arriving back. Of particular note is usually the Net tab. Extra logging in Rational DOORS Web Access will show what requests are arriving and responses are being sent. See How to increase the Rational DOORS Web Access logging levels and review the request.log and response.log.

Possible causes and solutions

No write access to the Rational DOORS module

The Rational DOORS module is open in exclusive edit mode or a relevant section is locked or the user does not have access to write to the DOORS module. Creating a backlink requires write access to the module - it will fail if this is not possible. For further details see: Saving an IBM Rational Quality Manager Test Plan linked to a view in IBM Rational DOORS fails with "An error occurred while saving links from requirements provider".

Rational DOORS Web Access configuration error

It is critical that the settings in festival.xml's published.url.prefix match exactly what was set in the Rational DOORS database via dbadmin -dwaHost/dwaProtocol/dwaPort. See Saving an IBM Rational Quality Manager Test Plan linked to a view in IBM Rational DOORS fails with "An error occurred while saving links from requirements provider" and Clicking Rational DOORS Implements Requirement link fails with HTTP 404 error in Rational Team Concert.

Browser security settings

In particular on Internet Explorer it is necessary to ensure the browser is displaying all content and not blocking it. Pop-up blockers can also impact. See also Creating link to Rational DOORS in RTC results in "Navigation to the webpage was cancelled" error.

Project association not done on database level

The RQM/RTC project is not associated with the Rational DOORS database, instead it has only been associated with a view. For links which require access to a requirements collection, such as in RTC plans or RQM test plans, they will not be able select a collection and the user cannot proceed. For further details see How to select a Rational DOORS View in Rational Team Concert or Rational Quality Manager and Only the URIs of Rational DOORS Requirements are shown in Rational Team Concert Requirements Selection dialog


There are some defects, particularly in early versions. See:

Related topics: Deployment web home, Deployment web home

External links:

Additional contributors: MaeveOReilly

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