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new.png Reviewing the RRC3 migration results

Authors: ShirleyHui
Build basis: CLM 2011, Rational Team Concert 3.0.1, Rational Requirements Composer 3.0.1

This article describes how to access and review the results of the RRC3 migration.

Refer to Upgrade Reference for CLM 2011 for overall guidance on upgrading.

To review the results of the upgrade, run the RRC Upgrade report tool and review the contents of the upgrade directory.

Upgrade Report Tool

The upgrade report tool is available in versions and higher in InstallDir/conf/rdm/tools.

Command line:

upgrade-reports.bat -help

upgrade-reports.sh -help

upgrade-reports.bat command {-help}

upgrade-reports.sh command {-help}

commands: makeResourceReport, makeErrorReport, makeDeltaReport, makeErrorArchive


Generates resource-centric reports:

  • resource-urls.csv - a list of the resource urls for artifacts with errors.

Note: this does not include internal resources, such as links or comments, that do not have a front side url.

Each artifact listed may have multiple revisions with errors - consult the file resource-report-errs.csv. The entry in this list is the URL that will display the artifact in a browser, if the artifact is accessible. You may use this URL in RRC2 to determine if the current revision of this artifact was accessible and not corrupted. The entry also includes the number of revisions of this artifact that are reporting an error.

  • resource-report-errs.csv - one report for all error annotations.
  • resource-report._projectAreaId.csv - one for each project area, with delta annotations for each resource, including the resources that were reported in the errors report.

Each row represents a version of each resource, noting the value of all annotations on that resource version noted during the upgrade. There may be multiple versions of a particular resource, one row per version.


Generates an error-centric report, error-report.txt, which contains an entry for each error found during the upgrade.


Generates a delta annotation-centric report, delta-report.txt, which contains an entry for each delta annotation noted during the upgrade.


Generates an archive of all recorded data for resources that encountered errors during the upgrade. The archive will be found in InstallDir/rdm/migration/systime-tmp/systime-tmp.jar. This archive may be used to communicate with Support about non-critical resource errors.

Upgrade Results

Location of the upgrade results directory

This directory will be found in the InstallDir/rdm/migration/systime-tmp directory. systime is a 13 digit number.

Navigating the upgrade directory

This directory contains:

  • migration-errors.log - If the upgrade has a critical failure, this file contains information about the failure
  • resource-errors.log - This file contains information about non-critical errors for individual resources
  • migration-metrics.rdf and resources-metrics.csv - Statistics from the migration
  • Folders representing different kinds of resources (for example, "Resources", "Folders", "Links", "Comments") contain files related to those resources.
  • When you run the upgrade report tool, output files are written to this directory.

To find the original RRC2 xhtml content for a resource that reported an error:

  • Find the resource id in the entry in resource-errors.log, in the form 'rrc' followed by an ID.
  • Note the revision ID. For example, Resource: https://server:9443/jts/storage/com.ibm.rdm.resources/rrc308?revision=_v1wbhmagEeCeW9etSZqfCw
  • Change to the Resources/rrcID directory.

In the directory, there will be files with unique id names, with no extension, one file for each version of the resource.

For example: _v1wbhmagEeCeW9etSZqfCw

This file contains the original RRC2 xhtml content for a version of this resource.

To find the resource delta file for a resource:

  • To access the resource delta file for resource, find the resource id, in the form 'rrc' followed by an ID.
Change to the Resources/rrcID directory. In the directory, there will be files with unique id names, with a .rdf extension, one file for each version of the resource.

For example: _v1wbhmagEeCeW9etSZqfCw

This is the resource delta file for this version of the resource.

Review Results Checklist

  • Run InstallDir/rdm/tools/upgrade-report.bat makeResourceReport'
  • Review output files in the upgrade results directory.
  • Get the list of artifacts with migration errors from resource-urls.csv
  • Determine if each artifact is accessible in RRC2 and RRC3 by opening the URL. It will look something like, https://server:9443/rdm/resources/rrc346. The RRC2 UI may report it cannot open the artifact or encountered an error opening the artifact.
  • Eliminate artifacts that are no longer used in RRC2 - this may include artifacts that were corrupted in 2.x, or deleted. If the artifact is no longer used, you may ignore this error.
  • Some artifacts may not be accessible in RRC3 and some may be displayed but cannot display their contents. Separate the artifacts into two lists.
  • Using the resource-errors.log and the resource-report-errs.csv file, evaluate the errors for remaining artifacts.
  • The resource-report-errs.csv report contains a column 'contentRepaired', which indicates whether a special repair transform was attempted on the resource content, and whether the repair succeeded or not. If it says 'Content repaired', the resource content was preserved but the original formatting needed to be removed. Other annotations indicate that the content could not be repaired.
  • If the artifact is active and required, contact IBM Support to submit a defect.

Related topics: Limitations, Understanding the data transformations, Running a trial migration, Perform backups before offline and online migration steps, Online migration error handling, Review the migration results

External links:

Additional contributors: PaulEllis
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