new.png Silent install on Linux/Unix

Authors: DanToczala, DavidCastellanos
Build basis: CLM 4.x and Installation Manager 1.6.3

This article will outline the steps necessary to perform a command-line driven, silent, non-root installation of CLM 4.0.3 into a supported UNIX/Linux machine with no internet connectivity. The default application server, Apache Tomcat, will be installed. Guidance provided here might change over time.

Note: This article assumes Installation Manager 1.6.3. The steps found below were performed on a 64-bit Linux machine but they should also be relevant for other UNIX systems.


Ensure you have read the System Requirements for CLM 4.0.3 and the UNIX/Linux considerations.


The installation is a very simple procedure. It consists of installing Installation Manager 1.6.3, editing a response file, and using it to install the CLM 4.0.3 package. This response file will be customized to specify CLM 4.0.3 installation/directory settings and then fed to Installation Manager to install CLM 4.0.3.

  • Download & Extract the following from the 'All Downloads' section on
    • Note: Assuming extracted paths as WebInstallerExtractedPath and CLM-4.0.3RepoExtractedPath respectively.

  • Install Installation Manager:
    • cd into WebInstallerExtractedPath/im/linux.gtk.x86_64/
    • Run ./userinstc -installationDirectory /u/rtcadmin/IBM/IM/ -svP -acceptLicense
    • Note: Change /u/rtcadmin/IBM/IM to your desired Installation Manager target installation directory.

  • Edit the CLM 4.0.3 response file.
    • Open the following file in a text editor: WebInstallerExtractedPath/im/linux.gtk.x86_64/silent-install-server.xml
    • Review the following lines:
      • Line 55: Repository location for CLM 4.0.3. Change ../repo to CLM-4.0.3RepoExtractedPath

      •  <repository location='../repo' temporary='true' /> 

      • Line 62: Target CLM 4.0.3 installation directory. Change /tmp/silent-install/JazzTeamServer to your desired installation directory.

      •  <profile id="TMP" installLocation="/tmp/silent-install/JazzTeamServer"> 

  • Install CLM 4.0.3
    • Cd into /u/rtcadmin/IBM/IM/eclipse/tools, or your equivalent IM Installation directory
    • Run ./imcl -input WebInstallerExtractedPath/im/linux.gtk.x86_64/silent-install-server.xml -acceptLicense -sVP

  • The Rational solution for CLM 4.0.3 is now installed and ready for use.

Related topics: Deployment web home, System Requirements for CLM 4.0.3, UNIX/Linux considerations

External links:

Additional contributors: BenjaminTran

This topic: Deployment > WebHome > DeploymentInstallingUpgradingAndMigrating > SilentInstallOnLinux
History: r2 - 2013-06-25 - 21:37:48 - Main.dtoczala
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