RTCEE Performance Testing: SCM Command Line Scenariotodo.png

Authors: Jorge Diaz
Build basis: RTC 4.x

This scenario tries to test the performance of the “zImport” and “zLoad” utilities.
The tests are executed against different sets of scalability data based on the Mortgage Application sample. This scenario tests are usually executed as a single user operation run.

Scenario Detailed Description

Test Topologies

The following topologies are being used for the execution of this scenario in order to test the performance and gather relevant data.

Single Tier Topology: zLinux


Test Reports

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This topic: Deployment > WebHome > DeploymentPlanningAndDesign > PerformanceDatasheetsAndSizingGuidelines > RTCSystemZPerformanceTesting > RTCEECLITests
History: r1 - 2014-09-01 - 10:11:14 - JorgeAlbertoDiaz
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