RTCEE Performance Testing: Mixed EE Benchmark and Incremental Build for Regression Scenariotodo.png

Authors: Jorge Diaz
Build basis: RTC 4.x

This scenario is consider one of the "Additional" ones, as it's not part of the standard set of test scenarios executed every time (i.e. in every release), as part of the RTCEE Benchmark Tests.
This scenario is used in some specific regression tests.
This scenario is composed of two others: "Enterprise Extensions Benchmark Scenario" and a custom "Incremental Build Scenario"

Scenario Detailed Description

Following the detail of the different steps that are performed for testing this scenario:

Scenario Test Steps Description
Enterprise Extensions Benchmark Scenario 1. Perform an initial Full Enterprise build of all the programs included in the test data set
2. Run a Promotion
3. Package the application
4. Run a Deployment.
After a first complete build of all the programs, a component promotion is performed. Once promoted the sources and binaries, the latter are packaged and finally deployed.
The tests are executed with different sets of the “Scalability Test Data” to get information of the system resources consumption with different levels of load.
Incremental Build Scenario 1. Change a copybook and request build.
2. Change a COBOL file and request build
3. Change ALL copybooks and request build
Once finished the full end-to-end iteration of the "Enterprise Extensions Benchmark Scenario" this follows executing different changes and scope of team builds.
Firstly the copybook "MortgageApplication-Common\zOSsrc\COPYBOOK\JKEMTCOM.cpy" is modified and a build requested. Modifying this copy will impact four COBOL files: "JKEMLIST.cbl", "JKECSMRT.cbl", "JKECMORT.cbl" and "JKECMAIN.cbl".
Then the COBOL file "MortgageApplication-JKECMORT\zOSsrc\COBOL\JKECMORT.cbl" is changed for a new build request.
The test finishes requesting a build after changing all the copybooks.

Test Topologies

The following topologies are being used for the execution of this scenario in order to test the performance and gather relevant data.

Single Tier Topology: zLinux


Test Reports

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