todo.png Rational Team Concert build properties are not transferred to Rational Build Forge

Authors: IntegrationsTroubleshootingTeam
Build basis: Rational Team Concert 3.x, 4.x

In Rational Team Concert (RTC), for each Build definition for Rational Build Forge integration , You set up the build properties.

In most cases you would need to setup the ones below:

  • Build_Engine_Path
  • Build_User
  • Build_Password
  • Build_Toolkit_path
  • Repository_Address

It might be necessary you would need to setup more of these properties, depending on your need.

To verify if the properties are updated in the Build Forge Project correctly we need to enable the logging in Rational Team Concert for Build Forge Integration. Enable the debugging in the CCM application log4j properties by changing the line WARN

to ALL.

The CCM log (ccm.log) will start filling up with Build Forge integration debug data.

Investigating the CCM log.

When you make a build request , you would see this log entry in ccm.log

 2013-11-11 08:25:08,340 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - buildDefInst: (internalId: [UUID _rcvltErUEeOn_u3QK8c59g]) (buildDefinitionId: BuildForge_JBE build, label: <unset>, description: , ignoreWarnings: true)
2013-11-11 08:25:08,340 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - configurationData: Build definition: BuildForge_JBE build
    Project name: BF_Project_JBE
    Project uuid: 5d0d75490c601000bdeea3917cfe7cfe
    Host name: localhost
    Secure connection: true
    Port: 3966
    Server key: localhost:3966
    User id: null
    All logs: true
    All logs not passed or skipped: false
    Custom BOM enabled: true
    Num first logs:: 5
    First logs enabled: false
    Num last logs: 5
    Last logs enabled: false
2013-11-11 08:25:08,340 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - engineConfigurationData: Engine ID: BF_engineEngine UUID: _5pI9YIG6EeKAxNIURYE-1w
    Has configuration: true
    Host name:
    Secure connection: false
    Port: 3966
    Server key:
    User id: build
2013-11-11 08:25:08,774 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - buildPropsMap: {scheduledBuild=false, buildEngineHostName=default, buildResultUuid=default, team.scm.deliver.componentsToDeliver=_jJuxEIG6EeKhEIJR9zCjrA, buildEngineId=default, team.scm.deliver.addNewComponentsToTarget=false, Build_Password=jazzadmin, personalBuild=false, Build_Engine_Path=c:\JazzBuild\jazz\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse, buildRequesterUserId=default, team.scm.deliver.changeSnapshotOwner=false, team.scm.componentLoadRules=, team.scm.deliver.enabled=true, team.scm.fetchDestination=C:\BF_Build, Build_Toolkit_Path=C:\JazzBuild\jazz\buildsystem\buildtoolkit, ANT_HOME=C:\Eclipse\jazz\client\eclipse\plugins\org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20100518-1145, team.scm.deliver.targetUUID=_jITNsIG6EeKhEIJR9zCjrA, buildLabelPrefix=T, JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_15, team.scm.deliver.triggerPolicy=NO_ERRORS, buildLabel=Zee_build, buildResultUUID=default,, buildEngineID=BF_Engine, team.scm.workspaceUUID=_LaCWsIG8EeKhEIJR9zCjrA, team.scm.buildOnlyIfChanges=true, team.scm.deliver.abortOnIncompleteActivity=false, team.scm.acceptBeforeFetch=true, team.scm.createFoldersForComponents=false, team.scm.deleteDestinationBeforeFetch=true, team.scm.deliver.removeComponentsInTarget=false, team.scm.includeComponents=false, Build_User=jazzadmin, engineUUID=default, team.scm.deliver.deliverAllComponents=false, team.scm.loadComponents=, Repository_Address=}
2013-11-11 08:25:08,774 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - IBuildResult: (stateId: [UUID _ryhBYErUEeOn_u3QK8c59g], itemId: [UUID _rcvlsErUEeOn_u3QK8c59g], origin: <unset>, immutable: true) (contextId: [UUID _fTQ10IG6EeKAxNIURYE-1w], modified: 2013-11-11 08:25:08.342, workingCopy: false) (mergePredecessor: null, workingCopyPredecessor: null, workingCopyMergePredecessor: null, predecessor: [UUID _rhSHcErUEeOn_u3QK8c59g]) (buildStatus: OK, buildState: IN_PROGRESS, label: , buildTimeTaken: -1, buildStartTime: 1384176308340, summary: , ignoreWarnings: true, tags: , deleteAllowed: true, personalBuild: false)

Notice the buildPropsMap line above which has all the properties listed for this particular build request.

Now these properties are updated to the Build Forge environment which can be observed in the CCM.log.

2013-11-11 08:25:09,105 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - build def properties: {scheduledBuild=false, buildEngineHostName=default, buildResultUuid=default, team.scm.deliver.componentsToDeliver=_jJuxEIG6EeKhEIJR9zCjrA, buildEngineId=default, team.scm.deliver.addNewComponentsToTarget=false, Build_Password=jazzadmin, personalBuild=false, Build_Engine_Path=c:\JazzBuild\jazz\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse, buildRequesterUserId=default, team.scm.deliver.changeSnapshotOwner=false, team.scm.componentLoadRules=, team.scm.deliver.enabled=true, team.scm.fetchDestination=C:\BF_Build, Build_Toolkit_Path=C:\JazzBuild\jazz\buildsystem\buildtoolkit, ANT_HOME=C:\Eclipse\jazz\client\eclipse\plugins\org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20100518-1145, team.scm.deliver.targetUUID=_jITNsIG6EeKhEIJR9zCjrA, buildLabelPrefix=T, JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_15, team.scm.deliver.triggerPolicy=NO_ERRORS, buildLabel=Zee_build, buildResultUUID=default,, buildEngineID=BF_Engine, team.scm.workspaceUUID=_LaCWsIG8EeKhEIJR9zCjrA, team.scm.buildOnlyIfChanges=true, team.scm.deliver.abortOnIncompleteActivity=false, team.scm.acceptBeforeFetch=true, team.scm.createFoldersForComponents=false, team.scm.deleteDestinationBeforeFetch=true, team.scm.deliver.removeComponentsInTarget=false, team.scm.includeComponents=false, Build_User=jazzadmin, engineUUID=default, team.scm.deliver.deliverAllComponents=false, team.scm.loadComponents=, Repository_Address=}
2013-11-11 08:25:09,105 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Checking build environment name=value: B=, action=SET, vartype=STANDARD, mode=NORMAL, include uuid=null
2013-11-11 08:25:09,106 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Checking build environment name=value: BF_T=, action=SET, vartype=STANDARD, mode=NORMAL, include uuid=null
2013-11-11 08:25:09,106 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Checking build environment name=value: BF_D=, action=SET, vartype=STANDARD, mode=NORMAL, include uuid=null
2013-11-11 08:25:09,106 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Checking build environment name=value: BF_W=, action=SET, vartype=STANDARD, mode=NORMAL, include uuid=null
2013-11-11 08:25:09,106 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Checking build environment name=value: BF_J=, action=SET, vartype=STANDARD, mode=NORMAL, include uuid=null

2013-11-11 08:25:09,116 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Checking build environment name=value: buildResultUuid=default, action=SET, vartype=STANDARD, mode=NORMAL, include uuid=null
2013-11-11 08:25:09,116 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Build property value: default
2013-11-11 08:25:09,116 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - buildResultUUID value updated with: _rcvlsErUEeOn_u3QK8c59g
2013-11-11 08:25:09,116 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Updating build environment name=value: buildResultUuid=_rcvlsErUEeOn_u3QK8c59g, entry uuid=36c2db620c651000b65ba39146ea46ea
2013-11-11 08:25:09,116 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG  - Connection returned from pool for key: =
2013-11-11 08:25:09,136 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Checking build environment name=value: buildResultUUID=default, action=SET, vartype=STANDARD, mode=NORMAL, include uuid=null
2013-11-11 08:25:09,136 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Build property value: default
2013-11-11 08:25:09,136 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - buildResultUUID value updated with: _rcvlsErUEeOn_u3QK8c59g
2013-11-11 08:25:09,136 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Updating build environment name=value: buildResultUUID=_rcvlsErUEeOn_u3QK8c59g, entry uuid=36c2db660c651000b663a39146ea46ea
2013-11-11 08:25:09,140 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Build property value: jazzadmin
2013-11-11 08:25:09,140 [ccm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 08:25] DEBUG .team.internal.service.BuildForgeBuildLoopRunnable  - Updating build environment name=value: Build_User=jazzadmin, entry uuid=36c2db6a0c651000b66ba39146ea46ea

When a build is started in RTC, the Build Loop task will pull up the Build Forge project environment and iterate through it replacing the RTC defined properties, e.g. buildResultUuid. So without the variables defined in Build Forge, RTC will not be able swap in the correct values for those RTC defined variables. This swapping in of RTC properties into Build Forge variables only affects those Build Forge variables at the project environment level. Other environments set a lower levels, e.g. step level, can still overwrite these variables again, setting them into another value that will likely be an invalid value. Make sure that the RTC specific variables are only set ONCE in the Build Forge project, at the project environment level!

Using the above log entries you can identify what properties are sent to Build Forge project.

Now you can check the Build Forge Step logs to see what values are set for these properties

81 11/11/13 2:39 PM SET Build_Toolkit_Path=C:\JazzBuild\jazz\buildsystem\buildtoolkit
82 11/11/13 2:39 PM SET Build_Engine_Path=c:\JazzBuild\jazz\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse
85 11/11/13 2:39 PM SET Build_Password=jazzadmin
94 11/11/13 2:39 PM SET buildResultUuid=_rcvlsErUEeOn_u3QK8c59g

152 11/11/13 2:39 PM ENV buildResultUuid=_rcvlsErUEeOn_u3QK8c59g
153 11/11/13 2:39 PM ENV Build_Engine_Path=c:\JazzBuild\jazz\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse
155 11/11/13 2:39 PM ENV Build_Toolkit_Path=C:\JazzBuild\jazz\buildsystem\buildtoolkit
156 11/11/13 2:39 PM ENV Build_User=jazzadmin

And then you can observe in the same step log what values of these properties are getting used in the execution of a command:

Command Set Parsed To: [c:\JazzBuild\jazz\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse/jbe -userId jazzadmin -pass jazzadmin -repository -buildResultUUID _rcvlsErUEeOn_u3QK8c59g -engineUUID _5pI9YIG6EeKAxNIURYE-1w -participants -noComplete -verbose

If the values are passed correctly from RTC to Build Forge then problem is probably at the Rational Build Forge side.

  • Check the step logs and verify if the values are getting overridden.
  • Make sure the "Environment" of the Build Forge Project is selected at the Project Level and no "step" environment is overidding the values.
  • If you determine that the build environments are getting interrupted in the middle of the update with an exception stack like , then the problem is with Build Forge sessions thrashing.

Dedicated Rational Build Forge Users.

If you have multiple RTC instances pointing to the same Rational Build Forge instance, but use the same Rational Build Forge userid between the RTC instances, then the Rational Build Forge sessions will thrash. This can cause problems where sometimes RTC will attempt to update Rational Build Forge with an invalidated session that causes the environment update to cease. This logic has been reinforced in 4.0 and, but we still recommend that for all integrations that all RTC instances have a unique Rational Build Forge userid to prevent the thrash from occuring.

Related topics: Deployment web home, Deployment web home

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Additional contributors: ZeeshanChoudhry

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