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How to Setup Smart Card Integration

Authors: ZeeshanChoudhry, RichRakich
Build basis: IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management 7.x

This article explains how you can setup IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management applications for Smart Card integration.

Rational Team Concert Eclipse client settings

If the Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) Eclipse client was installed in the following directory

C:\Program Files\IBM\TeamConcert
then the following JRE file would have to be modified:
C:\Program Files\IBM\TeamConcert\jdk\jre\lib\security\java.security

1) Search for the following section, and make the modification below:

# List of providers and their preference orders (see above):

Note that IBM CAC (Common Access Card) support has been enabled.

2) Search for the next section and make sure the following has been specified as to the default keystore:

# Default keystore type.

The above sections show the correctly modified content within the java.security file to enable the support for IBM CAC and thus Smart Card Log-in ability within the Engineering Workflow Management Eclipse client

Rational Team Concert Server settings

Refer to link Configuring certificate authentication in Rational Team Concert 3.0 using WebSphere Application Server 7.0 These instructions apply to all versions since v3.0.

Related topics: Deployment web home

Instructions to enable debugging on the Eclipse Client Smart Cards Debugging

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