r26 - 2013-05-13 - 17:16:59 - Main.sbeardYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > DeploymentFormattingGuidance

Deployment wiki formatting guidance

Authors: StevenBeard
Build basis: None

It is important that the Deployment wiki on Jazz.net has a consistent look and feel across all it's sections/sub-sections and topics. PLEASE stick to the standard topic formatting, particularly the headers, footers, heading styles and fonts. Some of the formatting relates to specific information that is required on ALL topic pages.

Deployment wiki topic page template

All new topic pages within the Deployment wiki are created using the WebTopicEditTemplate. It is important that ALL pages adhere to this template to maintain the look and feel of the overall wiki.


  • When you initially create a new topic page change the placeholder title:
     ---+!! Topic title (use a lowercase style, which is known as "sentence-style" capitalization) 

  • When you initially create a new topic page set the initial authors:
     %DKGRAY% Authors: Main.TWikiUser, Main.TWikiUser <br> 
    This should be a comma separated list, where each author is capture using their TWiki name Main.TwikiUser e.g. Main.StevenBeard

    NOTE: The last editor that appears top right and the history do not necessarily reflect who has made significant contributions to a topic page. A key aim of the wiki is to ensure that authors and additional contributors are recognized for their contribution, both internally to their organization and within the wider community. The authors listed in the title banner for a topic page should reflect those that have made major contribution to developing the page, regardless of who has edited the actual wiki page itself. The number of authors should be kept to a reasonable number (4- 10 max). If a section/sub-section team have all been instrumental in developing a page you could use a link to the respective section/sub-section e.g.
     [[DeploymentPlanningAndDesign][Deployment planning and design team]] 

  • When you initially create a new topic page set the build basis:
     Build Basis: Products, Editions and Versions as applicable 
    This should reflect the most specific build basis appropriate for the page or be explicit set to, "None".

  • All topic pages should have an initial introduction paragraph or two BEFORE the first heading.

  • All topic pages should have a list of related topics, external links and additional contributors at the bottom of the page using the template format.


  • Do not edit or remove the page contents or margin:
     <!-- Page contents top of page on right hand side in box -->
    <sticky><div style="float:right; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#DFDFDF; background-color:#F6F6F6; margin:0 0 15px 15px; padding: 0 15px 0 15px;">
    %TOC{title="Page contents"}%
    <sticky><div style="margin:15px;"></sticky> 

  • Do not alter the default heading styles and fonts or paragraph fonts.

  • Do not remove the final line of mark-up:

Topic page status icons

Below are the set of status icons that MUST/SHOULD be used for all topic pages to denote their current status:

  • todo.png To do: Used to denote a new topic page that has not been started. By default all pages created from the topic page template will include this icon.

  • uc.png Under construction: Used to denote that a topic page is being edited or reviewed.

  • new.png New: Used to denote that a topic page has just been initially created and reviewed. This icon should only be used for significant new content within the wiki and not for external links. New icons will typically be removed after 1-2 months.

  • updated.png Updated: Used to denote that a topic page has just been updated and reviewed. Updated can also be used to denote external content that has been migrated into the wiki, such as Jazz.net articles. This status icon SHOULD be used for Jazz.net articles or other already externally available content when they are initially migrated into the wiki. Updated icons will typically be removed after 1-2 months.

  • constantchange.png Constant change: Used to denote that a topic page is constantly under change by the wider wiki community.

  • None: If there is not a status icon, the topic page is deemed to be in a stable unchanging state.

They SHOULD be added before the title in the title box of a topic page:

todo.png Title of the topic page

Authors: StevenBeard
Build basis: None

Note: All topic pages only editable by technical leaders and senior editors (aka TWikiDeploymentAuthorsGroup) MUST use the above status icon conventions. All topic pages editable by deployment practitioners (aka TWikiAuthorsGroup and TWikiExternalAuthorsGroup) SHOULD use the above status icon convention where possible. Open community pages will typically use the constant change icon to denote that they may be under constant change.

There are smaller versions of all the status icons [todo16.png uc16.png new16.png updated16.png constantchange16.png) that can be used in front of navigation links, such as on section pages, to denote the status of the linked topic page. Note: the smaller constant change icon should generally not be used in front of navigation links. It is important that this icon and the one on the topic page are the same, for example:

Personal user profile pages

You can create a personal user profile page that will be linked to from your TWikiUsers name e.g. StevenBeard. Please consider copying the formatting and layout of this example.

General formatting guidelines

Recommended way to make a comment or a note

We're suggesting using three number signs, like ###, to mark a comment or something you want to come back to later. The ### don't effect the formatting and they're easy to spot.

How to add a questions and comment box to a topic

You can add a questions and comments box to a page that has restrictive write access to allow additional TWikiGroups or all Jazz.net users to ask a question or comment. Below is the best mechanism for adding a questions and comments box that has a writable sub-topic to collect the comments. Look at in Raw View of this topic to understand the mark-up:

Questions and comments:

Warning: Can't find topic Deployment.DeploymentFormattingGuidanceComments

Note: you need to explicitly set the write access to the correct level on the sub-topic questions and comments page. To allow everyone to comment or raise a question set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE to a blank list:


Look at the Raw View of the sub-topic DeploymentFormattingGuidanceComments to see the correct format and layout.

Note: Generally put the questions and comment box at the bottom of a topic page below the list of additional authors.

TWiki editing shorthand

Note: Please use the Raw Edit and not the WYSIWYG edit because the WYSIWYG editor does not work correctly in all browsers.

Formatting Command: You write: You get:
Blank lines will create new paragraphs.
1st paragraph

2nd paragraph

1st paragraph

2nd paragraph

Three or more dashes at the beginning of a line, followed by plus signs and the heading text. One plus creates a top level heading, two pluses a second level heading, etc. The maximum heading depth is 6.

TIP You can create a table of contents with the %TOC% variable.
TIP If you want to exclude a heading from the TOC, put !! after the ---+.
ALERT! Empty headings are allowed and won't appear in the table of contents.

---++ Sushi
---+++ Maguro
---+++!! Not in TOC



Not in TOC

Bold Text:
Words get shown in bold by enclosing them in * asterisks.


Italic Text:
Words get shown in italic by enclosing them in _ underscores.


Bold Italic:
Words get shown in bold italic by enclosing them in __ double-underscores.
__Bold italic__

Bold italic

Fixed Font:
Words get shown in fixed font by enclosing them in = equal signs.
=Fixed font=

Fixed font

Bold Fixed Font:
Words get shown in bold fixed font by enclosing them in double equal signs.
==Bold fixed==

Bold fixed

TIP You can follow the closing bold, italic, or other (* _ __ = ==) indicator with normal punctuation, such as commas and full stops.
ALERT! Make sure there is no space between the text and the indicators.
ALERT! All words enclosed by the indicators need to be on the same line.
_This works_,
_this does not _
_this fails

This works,
_this does not _
_this fails too_

Separator (Horizontal Rule):
Three or more three dashes at the beginning of a line..

Bulleted List:
Multiple of three spaces, an asterisk, and another space.
HELP For all the list types, you can break a list item over several lines by indenting lines after the first one by at least 3 spaces.
   * level 1
      * level 2
   * back on 1
   * A bullet
     broken over
     three lines
   * last bullet

  • level 1
    • level 2
  • back on 1
  • A bullet broken over three lines
  • last bullet
Icon List:
Multiple of three spaces, an asterisk, text icon:name and another space.
HELP Use the name of any TWikiDocGraphics icon.
   * %ICON{tip}% Icon list
      * %ICON{led-red}% Full
      * %ICON{led-green}% OK
   * %ICON{unchecked}% Item 1
   * %ICON{checked}% Item 2
   * %ICON{empty}% No bullet

  • Tip Icon list
    • Led-red Full
    • Led-green OK
  • Unchecked Item 1
  • Checked Item 2
  • Empty No bullet
Numbered List:
Multiple of three spaces, a type character, a dot, and another space. Several types are available besides a number:
Type Generated Style Sample Sequence
1. Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, 4...
A. Uppercase letters A, B, C, D...
a. Lowercase letters a, b, c, d...
I. Uppercase Roman Numerals I, II, III, IV...
i. Lowercase Roman Numerals i, ii, iii, iv...
   1. Sushi
   1. Dim Sum
   1. Fondue

   A. Sushi
   A. Dim Sum
   A. Fondue

   i. Sushi
   i. Dim Sum
   i. Fondue

  1. Sushi
  2. Dim Sum
  3. Fondue

  1. Sushi
  2. Dim Sum
  3. Fondue

  1. Sushi
  2. Dim Sum
  3. Fondue
Definition List:
Three spaces, a dollar sign, the term, a colon, a space, followed by the definition.

Deprecated syntax: Three spaces, the term with no spaces, a colon, a space, followed by the definition.

   $ Sushi: Japan
   $ Dim Sum: S.F.

Dim Sum
Each row of the table is a line containing of one or more cells. Each cell starts and ends with a vertical bar '|'. Any spaces at the beginning of a line are ignored.
  • | *bold* | header cell with text in asterisks
  • |   center-aligned   | cell with at least two, and equal number of spaces on either side
  • |      right-aligned | cell with more spaces on the left
  • | 2 colspan || and multi-span columns with multiple |'s right next to each other
  • |^| cell with caret indicating follow-up row of multi-span rows
  • You can split rows over multiple lines by putting a backslash '\' at the end of each line
  • Contents of table cells wrap automatically as determined by the browser
  • Use %VBAR% or &#124; to add | characters in tables.
  • Use %CARET% or &#94; to add ^ characters in tables.
TIP The TablePlugin provides the |^| multiple-span row functionality and additional rendering features
| *L* | *C* | *R* |
| A2 |  B2  |  C2 |
| A3 |  B3  |  C3 |
| multi span |||
| A5-7 |  5  |  5 |
|^| six | six |
|^| seven | seven |
| split\
  | over\
  | 3 lines |
| A9 |  B9  |  C9 |

L C RSorted ascending
split over 3 lines
A5-7 5 5
A2 B2 C2
A3 B3 C3
A9 B9 C9
multi span
A5-7 seven seven
A5-7 six six
WikiWord Links:
CapitalizedWordsStuckTogether (or WikiWords) will produce a link automatically if preceded by whitespace or parenthesis.
TIP If you want to link to a topic in a different web write Otherweb.TopicName.
TIP To link to a topic in a subweb write Otherweb.Subweb.TopicName.
HELP The link label excludes the name of the web, e.g. only the topic name is shown. As an exception, the name of the web is shown for the WebHome topic.
ALERT! Dots '.' are used to separate webs and subwebs from topic names and therefore cannot be used in topic names.

It's generally a good idea to use the TWikiVariables %SYSTEMWEB% and %USERSWEB% instead of TWiki and Main.









You can define a reference inside a TWiki topic (called an anchor name) and link to that. To define an anchor write #AnchorName at the beginning of a line. The anchor name must be a WikiWord of no more than 32 characters. To link to an anchor name use the [[MyTopic#MyAnchor]] syntax. You can omit the topic name if you want to link within the same topic.


To here



To here

External Links:
URLs starting with file, ftp, gopher, http, https, irc, mailto, news, nntp and telnet are linked automatically if preceded by whitespace or parenthesis. External links are indicated with a trailing External-link icon, and open up in a new browser tab or window; the behavior of both can be set in configure. Links can be prevented with an ! exclamation point prefix.






Forced Links:
Use double square brackets to create forced links: Write [[link]] or [[link][label]] to force a link. Use the former for singleton words and if automatic linking is disabled. Use the latter one to specify a link label other than the link. For the link, you can use internal link references (e.g. WikiWords) and URLs (e.g. http://TWiki.org/).
TIP Anchor names can be added to create a link to a specific place in a document.
TIP To "escape" double square brackets that would otherwise make a link, prefix the leading left square bracket with an exclamation point.
TIP The topic title instead of the topic name is shown for [[WikiWord]] links if the SHOWTOPICTITLELINK preferences setting is enabled.


[[WikiSyntax][wiki syntax]]






wiki syntax



escaped: [[WikiSyntax]]

Topic Title Links:
Use double square brackets and a plus sign to create links with topic title: Write [[+TopicName]] or [[+Web.TopicName]] to show the topic title instead of the topic name. The topic title is defined by the form field named "Title", the topic preferences setting named TITLE, or the topic name if neither exists.
TIP An alternative syntax is [[TopicName][$topictitle]] or [[Web.TopicName][$topictitle]].



The sky is falling

The sky is falling

The sky is falling

Prevent a Link:
Prevent a WikiWord from being linked by prepending it with an exclamation point.
Disable Links:
You can disable automatic linking of WikiWords by surrounding text with <noautolink> and </noautolink> tags.
HELP It is possible to turn off all auto-linking with a NOAUTOLINK preferences setting.
 RedHat & SuSE

RedHat & SuSE

Mailto Links:
E-mail addresses are linked automatically. To create e-mail links that have more descriptive link text, specify subject lines or message bodies, or omit the e-mail address, you can write [[mailto:user@domain][descriptive text]].






Twitter Links:
@twitter IDs are linked automatically. The link rule is defined by the {Links}{TwitterUrlPattern} configure setting.


Verbatim Text:
Surround code excerpts and other formatted text with <verbatim> and </verbatim> tags.
TIP The verbatim tag disables HTML code. Use <pre> and </pre> tags instead if you want the HTML code within the tags to be interpreted.
ALERT! Preferences variables (* Set NAME = value) are set within verbatim tags.
class CatAnimal {
  void purr() {
    <code here>
class CatAnimal {
  void purr() {
    <code here>
Literal Text:
TWiki generates HTML code from TWiki shorthand. Experts surround anything that must be output literally in the HTML code, without the application of TWiki shorthand rules, with <literal>..</literal> tags.
ALERT! Any HTML within literal tags must be well formed i.e. all tags must be properly closed before the end of the literal block.
IDEA! TWiki Variables are expanded within literal blocks.
| Not | A | Table |
| Not | A | Table |
Protected Text:
Experts protect text from mangling by WYSIWYG editors using <sticky>..</sticky> tags. Sticky tags don't have any effect on normal topic display; they are only relevant when content has to be protected from a WYSIWYG editor (usually because it isn't well-formed HTML, or because it is HTML that WYSIWYG would normally filter out or modify). Protected content appears as plain text in the WYSIWYG editor.
This div is required
This div is required

Related topics: Example topic: Standard Collaborative Lifecycle Management topologies

External links:

  • None

Additional contributors: None

Edit | Attach | Printable | Raw View | Backlinks: Web, All Webs | History: r31 | r28 < r27 < r26 < r25 | More topic actions...
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