A Value Stream Canvas is an artifact prescribed by SAFe to help organizations elaborate the details of a value
proposition that supports the portfolio. The Value Stream Canvas can be used to capture emerging understanding about a
specific Value Stream.
To learn more, visit the Scaled Agile
Framework topic Value Streams.
Artifact Template
The Value Stream Canvas has a corresponding artifact template that can be used when you create a new Value
Stream Canvas artifact. The template reminds you about the things you should consider when elaborating a Value Stream.
The template looks like this:
[Value Stream Name] Value Stream Canvas
Brief Description
<Briefly describe the value stream and provide a link to the Value Stream artifact.>
Value Proposition
<"Promise of the Value Stream" ... For [customers] who [do something] the [solution] is a [something - the "how"]
that [provides this value]. Unlike [competitor, current solution, or non-existing solution] our solution [does
something better - the "why"].
<Systems, products, services, applications>
Solution Content
<Link(s) to Solution Context artifacts.>
People and Locations
<Estimated number of people, by geography, in the engineering value stream>
Customer Segments
<Customer segments served>
<Paths used to reach each customer segment>
Customer Relationships
<Type of relationship each customer segment expects the business to establish and maintain>
<Key performance indicators for measuring value delivery>
Economic Framework
<Set of decision rules that align everyone to the financial objectives of the solution>
======================== For Solution Trains (Multi-ART Value Streams) ========================
Programs (ARTs) and Suppliers
<Programs and Suppliers, including their respective responsibilities. Include links to the Program
Value Stream Roles
Solution Train Engineer
Solution Management
Solution Architect/Engineer
The Value Stream Canvas artifact type defines the following attributes:
Owner - The owner of the artifact
Status - The status of the artifact (see States below)
The Value Stream Canvas artifact type has this workflow:
Draft - Initial state of the artifact
Under Review - Indicates that the artifact is being reviewed by the Portfolio team
In Playback - Indicates that the artifact is being reviewed with stakeholders and customers for
Approved - Indicates that it is approved by the Portfolio team as well as stakeholders/customers
Rejected - Indicates that the artifact is rejected and no further work will be done
Deprecated - Indicates that the artifact has been deprecated and there may possibly be a
newer version of it