Artifact: TOWS Strategic Options Matrix


A Threats Opportunities Weaknesses Strengths (TOWS) Matrix is recommended in SAFe for identifying strategic options. To learn more, visit the Scaled Agile Framework.

The TOWS Matrix has a corresponding artifact template. The template looks like this:

< The TOWS strategic options matrix is for identifying strategic options to create a better future state. The information from the SWOT analysis is used to fill-in the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the TOWS strategic options matrix. >

External Opportunities (O)

External Threats (T)

Internal Strengths (S)


How can your strengths be used to maximize opportunities?


How can you apply your strengths to overcome present and potential threats?

Internal Weakness (W)


How can your opportunities be leveraged to overcome weaknesses?


How can you minimize weaknesses and avoid threats?

The Solution Intent artifact type defines the following custom attributes:

  • Owner - The owner of the artifact
  • Status - The status of the artifact (see States below)
  • Scope - The scope covered by the matrix (Portfolio, Solution, Program, Team)

The artifact type has this workflow:

  • Draft - Initial state of the artifact
  • Under Review - Indicates that the artifact is being reviewed by the Portfolio team
  • In Playback - Indicates that the artifact is being reviewed with stakeholders and customers for feedback
  • Approved - Indicates that it is approved by the Portfolio team as well as stakeholders/customers
  • Rejected - Indicates that the artifact is rejected and no further work will be done
  • Deprecated - Indicates that the artifact has been deprecated and there may possibly be a newer version of it

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