A Portfolio Canvas is an artifact prescribed by SAFe that captures details about how the portfolio intends to drive
value for an organization by creating, designing and delivering solutions that align with the goals and strategy of the
To learn more, visit the Scaled Agile
Framework topic Porfolio Canvas.
Artifact Template
The Portfolio Canvas has a corresponding artifact template that can be used when you create a new Portfolio
Canvas artifact. The template reminds you about the things you should consider when defining the as-is state of a
Portfolio as well as thinking about the desired to-be state. The template looks like this:
[Portfolio Name] Portfolio Canvas
Brief Description
<Indicate whether this Portfolio Canvas represents the as-is or desired to-be state of the Portfolio.>
Value Propositions
<Describe the Value Streams that deliver value for the Portfolio. If you have created Value Stream artifacts,
provide the link in the table below. >
Value Streams
Customer Segments
Customer Relationships
[Link to Value Stream artifact]
List of solutions provided by this value stream
Customers serviced by this value stream
Channels used by this value stream to reach customers
Types of customer relationships maintained by this value stream
Value Stream budget
(can also be derived from the linked Value Stream artifact)
How is the performance of this value stream evaluated?
Resources & Activities
Key Partners
<Describe the partners and suppliers that support the Portfolio, including the resources and value they
Key Activities
<Describe the key activities required to deliver value for the Portfolio. These could be things like trade shows,
customer interactions, synchronizations with other Portfolios, or standard SAFe events.>
Key Resources
<Describe the resources required to develop, market and maintain delivery of value.>
Cost Structure & Revenue Streams
Cost Structure
<Provide any details about the most significant costs related to Portfolio, such as licensing, process,
operational or development expenses.>
Revenue Streams
<Provide any details bout the revenue streams for the Portfolio: what, who, how.>
The Portfolio Canvas artifact type defines the following attributes:
Owner - The owner of the artifact
Status - The status of the artifact (see States below)
The Portfolio Canvas artifact type has this workflow:
Draft - Initial state of the artifact
Under Review - Indicates that the artifact is being reviewed by the Portfolio team
In Playback - Indicates that the artifact is being reviewed with stakeholders and customers for
Approved - Indicates that it is approved by the Portfolio team as well as stakeholders/customers
Rejected - Indicates that the artifact is rejected and no further work will be done
Deprecated - Indicates that the artifact has been deprecated and there may possibly be a
newer version of it