Tool Mentor: Configure Portfolio EWM
Configure a project area for a SAFe portfolio.


Create a new project area for a Portfolio (either Full SAFe or Portfolio SAFe configurations) and configure the project area.


1. Gather information to configure the environment

Step Tool guidance

1. Invite key team members to discuss proposed environment.

Explain configuration options to stakeholders.

2. Decide portfolio project configuration requirements

Topics to discuss include:

  • roles/permissions (if different than the standard SAFe template)
  • any other unique configuration requirements for this project area.

2. Create the project area for the portfolio 

You can skip this step if you already created the project area via a Lifecycle Project.

Step Tool guidance

1. Create a new project area.

The process template preconfigures the project area with a default timeline, work item types, dashboards, and so on.

Note that this project area is just for the Portfolio and associated solutions; project areas for Programs are described elsewhere.

Log in as an administrator. See Logging in for project administrators and team leads (web). 

If not already done, deploy the predefined process templates. Then follow these instructions: Creating a project area, using the appropriate template, either the SAFe 4.5 Process (Full SAFe) template (if following Full SAFe) or the SAFe 4.5 Process (Portfolio SAFe) template (if following Portfolio SAFe).

3. Project area configuration

Step Tool guidance

1.  Post Project Initialization Task

A task entitled Post Project Initialization is created when the project area is created.  You can use this task to track your progress configuring the portfolio project area.

The Post Project Initialization task is linked from the Portfolio project area dashboard.

Accessing a project or team dashboard

2. Add members to the project and assign appropriate process roles

After you create the project area, scroll to the Members section and assign process roles to members to ensure that they have the permissions required to work on project area artifacts.

As a minimum, someone should be assigned to the Portfolio Manager role.

Adding and modifying users as members of project areas and team areas 

Adding and modifying roles and permissions

3. Define categories

Categories are used to group work items. By default, a category "Portfolio Name (rename)" is created and example Solution team categories are created. 

Rename and add additional categories as needed.

Defining categories that work items can be filed against

4. (Optional) Rename roadmap
  1. From the Portfolio Dashboard, go to Plans > All Plans.
  2. Rename the "Portfolio Name (rename) Roadmap" plan to desired name

5. (Optional) Create and Assign Work Items

Now that you have a project area defined, you can create and assign work items. Work item templates may be available for creating work items for common activities.

Creating work items from a template

4. Configure the dashboard

Refer to the SAFe Dashboard Configuration Guidelines.