New & Noteworthy for Rational Quality Manager

Command-line adapter Connect to a server that requires sequential certificate-based and form-based authentication

You can now connect the command-line adapter to a Rational Quality Manager server that is configured for two sequential authentication challenges: certificate-based authentication followed by form-based, or basic, authentication.

The command-line adapter offers a new authentication type for this purpose: [-authType CERTANDFORM]. For this authentication type, you provide the following values:
  • -user <userid> [-password <user-password>]
  • -certificatePath <certificate file path> [-certificatePassword <password for certificate if applicable>]
  • If your setup includes a proxy, you must also provide the proxy server details: [-proxy <proxy server>] [-proxyPort <port>]
For the complete command line syntax, see the readme.txt file that is provided with the command-line adapter.
REST API Delete execution results from the database

Using the REST API, you can permanently delete execution results from the database. Deleted results cannot be restored. The delete operation is a two-step process: you must archive the execution results and then delete them. For details, go to Rational Quality Manager Reportable REST API and see the deleteArchived parameter in the Optional parameters section.
TRS feeds Improved TRS feed validation

Several enhancements were made to improve the reliability, performance, usability, and functionality of the QM TRS validation tool:
  • Improved memory management: The restriction of validating only 7 million repository items was removed. You can now validate a repository of any size, but you must ensure that you have enough disk space: at least 1 GB of free disk space for each million items in the repository.
  • Self-repair: You can now resolve discrepancies that the TRS validation tool finds between items in the repository and items in the TRS feed. You can resolve discrepancies either automatically or manually. To resolve discrepancies automatically, go to https://<server>:<port>/<qm_context>/admin, open the advanced properties, and locate this property:
The property has two options:
  • Automatically resolve discrepancies: When set to true, this option automatically resolves discrepancies after the comparison is complete. If no discrepancies are found, no action occurs.
  • TRS validation request monitor delay: This option changes the frequency of when the asynchronous task looks for new comparison requests. The default is 60 seconds.
If the Automatically resolve discrepancies advanced property is not set to true, you can resolve items manually after the validation is complete by going to https://host:port/qm/TRSValidator and clicking compare > cleanDifferences.

Related information
Validate TRS feeds against artifacts in the repository
Validating TRS feeds and the LQE index
Test cases Automatically remove test cases from the test plan when you remove them from a test suite that is part of the test plan

A test suite contains a list of test cases. Similarly, a test plan contains a list of test cases and test suites. Previously, when you removed a test case from a test suite that is part of a test plan, Rational Quality Manager did not automatically remove the test case from the same test plan.

Now, project preferences are added to address this scenario.

Image of the project preferences to synchronize test cases and test suites in test plans:

When you select the When a test case is removed from the test suite, automatically remove the test case from all editable parent test plans of the test suite option, if you remove a test case from a test suite, the same test case is automatically removed from all editable test plans of the test suite. When you select this option, the When a test suite is removed from the test plan, automatically remove the associated test cases of the test suite from the test plan option is selected automatically.

When you select the When a test suite is removed from the test plan, automatically remove the associated test cases of the test suite from the test plan option, if you remove a test suite from a test plan, all the associated test cases of the test suite are also automatically removed from the test plan.
Test execution A new Modified column is available for the browse test case result table

A new Modified column was added for the browse test case result table. This column shows when a test case result was last modified, and you can filter and sort its results. By default, the column is not shown. You add the column by using the "Change column display settings" dialog box.
Change the test plan and iteration in the test suite execution record editor

If a test suite execution record (TSER) has not run, you can change its test plan and iteration in the test suite execution record editor.
Change the test plan in the browse test suite execution record table

If a test suite execution record (TSER) has not run, you can change its test plan in the browse test suite execution record table.
The Include Built-in Variables check box is enabled by default for command-line test scripts

When you create a new command-line test script, the Include Built-in Variables check box is enabled by default.
Use the command-line adapter to populate values for custom attributes of test case results

You can now provide values for custom attributes of test case results from the command line. For example, if Voltage is a custom attribute for test case result, you can provide a value of 5 V for that attribute by adding the following line to the command-line test script:

echo Voltage=5 V>> "%qm_CustomAttributesFile%"

If a custom attribute with the specified name does not exist in Rational Quality Manager, a new custom attribute is not created.
Test plans New side panel for filtering the test case execution record and test suite execution record sections of test plans

A new panel, which appears at the side of the screen, is available for the test case execution record (TCER) section and test suite execution record (TSER) section of a test plan. In the panel, you can filter TCERs in the test plan by saved queries, categories, and test case categories. Similarly, you can filter TSERs in the test plan by saved queries, categories, and test suite categories.

Image of the side panel in the TCER section of the test plan editor:
Usability enhancements Filter the custom attributes, test configuration, and host name columns by using wildcards

In browse test artifact views, you can use the Matches (*,?) filter to search the custom attributes, test environment, and host name columns by using wildcard characters. An asterisk (*) matches any number of characters. A question mark (?) matches exactly one character. The search is case-sensitive.

For example, to search for a test case result with a custom attribute named Type and a value of Edge Case, you can use the Matches (*,?) filter and enter ?dge* to find it.

Image of the Matches (*,?) filter:
Word Excel Importer

Utility has an improved interface for selecting configurations

In the Word Excel Importer utility, when you select configurations in the configuration picker, you can now sort, search, filter, or group configurations based on component for configuration-enabled projects. This improved interface offers the same user experience as the web client.

To open the improved configuration picker in the Word Excel Importer utility, select the Use RQM provided configuration UI check box and click Find for configuration-enabled projects. You can still access the previous interface by clearing the Use RQM provided configuration UI check box.

Utility is available as a trusted publisher

When Microsoft Word or Excel require add-ins to have a Trusted Publisher certificate, you can use any .NET Framework 4.5-based installer to install the Word Excel Importer utility. Add-ins and assemblies deployed by these installers are signed by a Microsoft-approved certificate authority and will run in instances of Word or Excel that require Trusted Publisher certificates.
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