Description | |
Document Builder |
Document Builder: Asset permissions On the Design page, assets can now be shared between designers by setting their ownership and privacy for individual assets and reports (templates, style sheets, scripts, and reports). Users can also add owners for these assets. If you are an owner of an asset, you can edit the asset. You can set permissions for an asset by clicking the Ownership & permissions icon in the edit column for individual assets on the Design page. Administrators have access and rights over all assets, regardless of their privacy and ownership settings. An asset can be either public or private. Public assets Public assets are visible to all users and can be used to design reports. Public reports can be used by end users to generate reports. Public assets can only be edited by either their creator, administrators, or other owners (report designers) that were added as owners to the asset by using the Permissions window. Connections are treated as common assets and are public. Although connections are public, credentials are not. Every user that is generating a document must enter their own credentials for a connection during document generation. Private assets Private assets are editable by and visible only to their creator, administrators, or other owners. Image of asset sharing on the Design page: ![]() Image of the Permissions window: ![]() Configuration for default privacy settings Administrators can set the default privacy for the assets being generated. Assets are private by default and can be set to public if required on the Runtime Variables page. Image of privacy configuration: ![]() Make Public option while uploading an asset or creating a report Report designers can set privacy levels when uploading assets or creating reports. The Upload window and the Create report page now have a Make Public check box where you can set the privacy. Image of making assets public: ![]() Image of making reports public: ![]() Mark multiple assets as public or private You can change the privacy settings for multiple assets at once. When you select several assets and click the Change privacy settings icon, you can select either the Private or Public option and save it as a new privacy setting for the marked assets. Image of marking privacy for multiple assets: ![]() |
Document Builder: Auto-complete support for tags You can apply tags to assets, connections, and schedules. As you type into the tag field, auto-complete displays matching tags so that you do not have to remember the full tag name. You can also reuse existing tag names. Image of autocomplete tags: ![]() |
Document Builder: Automated mapping of Rational Publishing Engine roles to Jazz Team Server roles In previous releases, when Document Builder was configured to use Jazz Team Server (JTS) authentication, the administrator had the manual task of marking JTS users as Rational Publishing Engine administrator or report designers. Now, the roles can be mapped automatically, eliminating the need for administrators to manually add users as admins or report designers. Administrators can change the mapping for the default roles, add, or delete new roles. Image showing the default role mapping: ![]() |
Document Builder: Group administrative variables Administrative variables are now categorized into groups, so they provide an easy way to look into a particular group. You can expand and collapse the groups to see the default values of the variables. Image of administrative variables: ![]() |
Document Builder: Tags for data source connections Now you can add tags to connections, so that you can easily search for connections by tags. While associating connections with a data source when you are generating documents, you can search for connections by their tags, connection names, or description. Image of adding tags to a connection: ![]() Image of searching connections by tags: ![]() Image of grouping connections by tags: ![]() Image of associating connections with data sources: ![]() |
Document Studio |
Document Studio: Generate documents from Atlassian JIRA Software using JSON data Rational Publishing Engine now supports template design and document generation for the JSON data format, so you can generate documents from JIRA. You'll find no change in the experience of doing activities such as adding schemas, designing templates, or document configuration and generation. When adding a JSON schema, select the JSON schema type. As JSON data acts as a schema, you can use the same JSON data source URL for adding the schema. You can edit schema data in the new JSON editor to add or remove any properties. When working with data in a JIRA instance, you can sort, filter, and paginate. |
Document Studio: Redesigned welcome screen When you open Document Studio, you see a redesigned welcome screen. It provides direct links to new features and enhancements from the release, videos, and more. The new welcome screen helps new users to take guided tours or use the template assistant to build templates and generate documents. Experienced users get access to recently opened files or open starter templates for products like IBM® Rational® DOORS®, IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation or IBM Rational Quality Manager. Useful links to related content give quick access to product documentation, blogs, the support portal, and other resources. Image of the welcome screen: ![]() |
Launcher |
Launcher: Compare two documents You can create a document that shows the differences between two documents. For example, you might want to compare two different views from IBM® Rational® DOORS® Next Generation, or two versions of a test case or test plan in IBM Rational Quality Manager. First, generate a base document, and then when generating the second document, specify the properties of the base document in the document specification. When the target document is generated, the comparison document is also generated. You can see the tracked changes as pictured in the following image. Image of a requirements comparison document with tracked changes: ![]() |
Launcher: Data source configuration improvements Now you can configure data sources in the document specification in a simpler way than before. The Configure REST Data Source window now provides a way to find the data source URL using an OSLC or web resource for the artifact type, such as DNG modules, RQM test cases, or RTC work items. Image of the Configure REST Data Source window: ![]() Image of finding the URL using the web resource: ![]() |
Other enhancements |
Other enhancements: Document generation from CLM with single sign-on authentication When Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) applications are enabled with SSO (single sign-on) authentication by using Jazz Security Architecture, document generation from the Rational Publishing Engine Launcher and Document Builder continues to work. However, you must set the authentication method to Basic when configuring the data source for the CLM applications in Launcher or in Document Builder. |
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