New & Noteworthy for IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody - Model Manager 7.0.3 M2

RMM - JRS Reporting Rhapsody Model Manager (RMM) 7.0.3 – Jazz Reporting Service (JRS) Reporting

RMM-JRS reporting capability can be integrated into IBM Report Builder 7.0.3 to create reports for Rhapsody/RMM artifacts. This capability is based on Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) - Source Control Management (SCM) reporting capabilities. You can create reports for model element information and related traceability.

It enables users to create reports for the following Rhapsody/RMM artifacts:

  • Versioned model elements, linked requirements, work items, and tests in Global Configuration (GC)
  • Internal model structure such as blocks / classes, objects, links, operations, associations, aggregation, composition, and internal dependencies
  • OSLC links between requirements, work items, and tests to the AM structural elements
Simplified Linking Simplified linking for OSLC links

Drag and drop

You can drag model elements from the Explorer or Properties editor view and drop them on the task editor/test case editor/artifacts editor to create OSLC links across IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) applications. Drag and drop is supported for and from the following ELM applications:

  • Engineering Workflow Management (EWM)
  • Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next (DOORS Next)

You can also drag artifacts from other applications to an RMM project area and then drop them to the Properties editor to create OSLC links.

Note: This milestone release doesn't support drag and drop from RMM to Engineering Test Management (ETM). However, you can drag and drop artifacts from ETM to RMM.

To enable multiple model elements selection on the Explorer view, a checkbox is added next to each element. After the model elements are selected, you can use the grab bar that becomes available next to each selected element to drag the selected elements across other ELM applications.

When you drop an artifact on the drop target, you can create links between the artifacts. You can select the link type from the Create links dialog box and then click Create links.

Image of the Explorer view where checkbox and grab bar is added next to model elements for selection and drag purpose respectively:


Copy and paste

You can use the Copy artifacts option from the Explorer or Properties editor view to copy the model element name, artifact link, and copy artifact URL. It copies the selected option to the clipboard and then you can click the Paste as link icon in another artifact of the other application to create an OSLC link.

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts for creating links across ELM applications:
Copy Link: Ctrl+C (Windows and Linux) or Command+C (Mac)
Paste as link: Ctrl+Shift+V (Windows and Linux) or Command+Shift+V (Mac)

Note: The drag-and-drop and copy-paste features for creating links are supported for all OSLC link types that are supported in EWM, ETM, and DOORS Next applications.

You cannot link artifacts in different global configurations. Therefore, ensure that the source and the target applications are in the same global configuration context.

Web UI Quick search for model elements by a partial or full name

You can now search for architecture elements using the Quick Search bar from anywhere in the RMM web client. Navigate to a project and select a stream which contains architecture elements in the available components. Go to the Quick Search bar and select the All Architecture Elements menu from the list. You can use a partial or full name of a model element as a search term. The search result displays a maximum of 100 records and 10 model elements per page.

Image of the All Architecture Elements menu:

Image of the Quick Search bar showing architecture elements search results:

You can hover over any model element to see its details in a pop-up. Image of the model element details:

You can also click the model element to see its details in the Properties editor.

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